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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. He seems to be performing at this a bit better than in his diving career and therefore I can only assume you need flexible wrists for crocheting.
  2. In my opinion Admin are doing a sterling job separating fact from fiction.
  3. ever heard of the phrase 'polishing a turd'
  4. Makes sense really as there's no cash prize to loot.
  5. If they had a doorstep clap to show support for the Bristol Police after a bunch of cunts turned up on Sunday I would be out like a shot.
  6. You should have told him there was some degenerate lurking in the woods that responds to the name Harold and would rip his dogs arses to shreds.
  7. Tuesdays weather with Harold. "Ooohhhh!, big Shiny thing." That's the sun you stupid cunt, here look at it through this 400x magnification telescope.
  8. and 'post transgender mong.' Just saying.
  9. Look on the bright side Scrotes, she should be chewing on your bratwurst afterwards for making you endure this crap, once she's washed the goose shit off, obviously.
  10. Why not just pull the dogs front legs apart like a wishbone, that normally does the trick. Then when the owner comes running over just ram HER face into the concrete slipway a couple of times and say, he must have slipped. I fucking hate dogs.
  11. If he was a homo he would be bothering ganders, you thick fucking featureless cunt.
  12. I wonder if he'll say anything about the sort of trains that have no doubt been through his mum?
  13. Could the culprits be the thieving gyppo scum from the caravan next door to yours?
  14. I wouldn't use them for '99' or even a '69'. Urghhh!
  15. I imagine you would try and make him sing, not with a piano, but your organ, you filthy homo. And tell me, why is it everytime I think of one of your shitty videos it reminds me of an L S Lowry painting?
  16. ....and sit down to take a piss like Pen,......no, I mean Gypps.
  17. .....and struggle to drive the Bedford Rascal or reverse it into a parking space without kerbing the wheels.
  18. If you spewed up over your mattress in the back of the Rascal then at least it would hide some of the suspicious stains, every cloud.
  19. Reading about the amount of posters that have had the vaccine this past week gives us an idea that you're over 50 yrs old, either that or there are underlying health conditions. For one or two of you, I hope they're life shortening. Fuck off.
  20. I had the the Oxford AZ one and they might as well tickled me with a feather. No fucking effect whatsoever, like drinking 5 litres of Kaliber. You fucking lightweight.
  21. If you paid attention to the black bints name you would quickly realise she had already been nommed yesterday, you total cuntbreed. Now write out 100 times, 'Must do better'
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