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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. There's a remote chance the old bint might have tested positive for Covid within the last 28 days and therefore the dogs weren't the actual cause of death.
  2. Does he have a sister called Fannies by any chance?
  3. Can we get backentopic and the whole point of this nom. as happenchance all this talk about foreweeklycycles is making me nauseous.
  4. Africa? I thought it happened in the UK.
  5. Plenty of unwanted children out there so why don't they adopt rather than expect the NHS to pay for their unearthly lifestyle. Besides I think an unwanted child just wants to be loved and doesn't really care too much if their adoptive parents are a pair of fugly rug munchers. Neil, can't you save them a grand a time by donating some of the sperm you've cleaned off the interior of the Rascal?
  6. If by park you mean multi-storey car park, then yes, and please throw yourself from the top deck while you're there.
  7. ..and don't start a letter with 'I write' unless you think the DG really is a fucking retard that needs reminding how a letter is made.
  8. Nice letter, I'm sure he'll respond. Anyhow, they were purchased from different outlets so not really a fucking comparison otherwise the next story will be 'Why are Ape's Value Beans cheaper than my Waitrose ones?' when everyone knows they are all manufactured in one of a few similar factories, with a different label on the tin.
  9. Since when are you required to wear a Covid mask whilst nicking the lead off a Tesco's roof?
  10. Interests change with time, core values don't
  11. Either way, I wouldn't want this individual upholding the law, he seems somewhat schizophrenic.
  12. There's quite a lot of words written here H but I'm fucked if I know what you're actually on about.
  13. Ever thought of modelling a bin bag over your head and completing the ensemble with an orange and a length of electric flex.
  14. Where's a few Eltiona Skanas when you need some??
  15. I've got a garden so I don't have to mix with the commoners in the park.
  16. It would appear that the rainbow is now associated with a plethora of Bungling fucking cunts whereas when I was growing up it was associated with a bloke or bird (i dunno) in a bear costume called Bungle. Fuck knows what Playschool would be like today, the house would probably just have one queer, sorry, square window.
  17. I don't think the make and model of the car is at fault here, more an issue with the gender of the driver. Ain't that right lads?
  18. I only wave my acknowledgement if the other vehicle is waiting with their indicator flashing to indicate their intention to move out and pass the obstruction once I've passed. If they haven't then how the fuck do I know if they've only just pulled over to park and I wave at them as if I'm congratulating them on their parking skills?? No indicator - fuck off.
  19. Fuck off Dickless, you thick fucking mongoloid cunt. That better?
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