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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I wouldn't mind putting an 'X' in Lisa Nandy's box for some reason. She's just got something about her that says sensible but is probably dirtier than the tyres on @judgetwi's mobility scooter after a cruise on Hampstead Heath.
  2. Only after the coal mines shut, to avoid any confusion.
  3. I see old jug ears has his own company, Gary Lineker Media, to suggest he is an independent contractor and avoid paying a large chunk of tax. Fucking shit cunt, wank-stain should be paying his dues so that UKGov can provide free school meals and house migrants that he was so vociferous in his support for. Fucking typical wealthy cunt and all too eager to show some faux Twitter support unless it comes out of his own wallet which, I hasten to add, what the cheating fucking scum cunt should be paying anyhow.
  4. I would like to see you swing...., in a fucking hangman's noose. Although I seriously doubt your emaciated, stick-thin body has enough weight to snap your neck.
  5. Won't your cock get caught in the spokes?
  6. His face I can handle, it's the one where he's doing a head stand with his gangling legs flicking all over the place that sickens me to the stomach, and before you start, i know they aren't his legs but i still feel physically repulsed that I've got to watch a turd nudgers (fake) legs on telly, even for a micro second before the channel changes.
  7. Sounds like a band name that the Village People wish they had taken.
  8. What's up 'scrotes? Haven't you got any fish fingers for Friday nights tea?
  9. I take it from that, you think the Labour candidate for Jersey has got about as much chance of a victory as Monsieur Birdseye.
  10. I think you've just found MikeD's new avatar if ever the little macro cunt made an unwelcome return to the corner.
  11. I drove past this dump for 5 days a week for nearly 7 years when I worked in Newton St Faith. The Brook Cottage Restaurant just past The Black Swan was a far superior venue for food, but alas, no longer there. On a positive note at least the wedding guest haven't got too much further to travel if she's having him cremated.
  12. Fair point. The potential other half might be a Frank-type that makes a habit of feigning terminal issues but, I understand he has actually seen it through to its inevitable conclusion unlike our, nine lives of a cat-like, poster on here.
  13. A quick one, but still a cunt. I see over on social media that a lady had this booked as a wedding venue this year to the tune of nearly £4.5k. Unfortunately her husband to be has died of cancer and the business doesn't see this as a valid reason to offer her any refund. What a bunch of cunts.
  14. I hope it lands in a fireball on a wet market, giving the animals an humane death. Fucking slitty eyed savages.
  15. It's going to be made in China using cheap Chinese steel and other shitty parts, of course there'll be absolutely nothing left after re-entry.
  16. Don't they realise that white shorts provide very little in the way of camouflage for the follow through after sampling the local food and piss weak lager.
  17. These are okay to occasionally get rid of unwanted items that are just too good to give away to a charity. What has fucking ruined it are the cunts who turn it into a source of income by a) having a fucking stall every week or b) the cunts that purchase just to sell on. My neighbour falls into b) and regularly cycles to car boots and charity shops with a trailer on his bike (the useless cunt can't drive!) and buys things to re-sell on Ebay. He often boasts that the annual profit pays for his holiday. The thick cunt missed the original Lamy Safari fountain pen in terracotta that I picked up for £6 (purely by accident) and knocked out to some twat for over £200. I still hate the cunt.
  18. Welcome back Judy, you're the best on here. Well, better than that Frank cunt, anyhow.
  19. I believe the mods are quite selective about membership* and don't just let anyone in, especially a moany little cunt like yourself that kicks off their first nom. with a rant about the administrators. (*with the exception of Harold. Fuck knows how he got in)
  20. Still looks more edible than haggis though.
  21. This sounds remarkably like a Frank-type rant because his own legs are so painfully thin and full of rickets that they're scared to show them in public.
  22. Dave Umbongo

    David Cox

    Even then he was a left footer.
  23. Dave Umbongo

    David Cox

    If a big black mincing poof like Justin Fashanu can do it right, why can't he?
  24. I hear it carries the same kudos has winning Eurovision nowadays.
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