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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I'm surprised that some fucking WOKE retard hasn't called for the total ban of fridge freezers since it was that which caused the fire.
  2. Some cunts never learn. I only have one of these.
  3. Dave Umbongo


    Sounds like a reject (B-grade) sanitary product.
  4. They should have fucking ordered 710lbs of bronze because what I can see his big, mamas titty sucking lips aren't quite the same size as his fuck ugly mug shot.
  5. Simple, just withdraw the subsidy. See how interested the foreign (EU) companies are then when they aren't effectively paid twice.
  6. Looks like she had no trouble hearing the dinner bell at school.
  7. I hope Aunt Bessie will follow the example, the sexy little minx getting her puddings out on the Yorkshire Pudding packet.
  8. I imagine the rest of your wider family were over the fucking moon at the prospect of not spending the day with a cunt. Happy Christmas
  9. Does your spying kit include an imaginary telescope made from a rolled up copy of the Guardian?
  10. Won't all the blood from her knocked out teeth be like poking her fanny after releasing a 28 day egg??
  11. If the Covid boffins and the wealthy countries of the world had their head screwed on right they would be developing a vaccine specifically for these shit-pit countries that knock out little brown turds, well, as frequently as knocking out a little brown turd, whose side effect is infertility.
  12. Have you got any lithium carbonate mines in that vast desert of a place?
  13. Can I exchange my awards for Air Miles with Stobart Air??
  14. Fuck knows what happens if you've already got webbed feet like Decipus.
  15. We technically call it asphalt these days Billy as tarmac contained coal tar which everyone knows is a carcinogen. "Cancer or Covid, your choice. Do you feel lucky punk?"
  16. You are exactly to the corner, as what Curt Smith provided in terms of musical talent to Tears for Fears. The Jason Orange or Bez, if you want a more accurate comparison.
  17. My experience of so called smart types at universities is that they know their chosen subject, verbatim. They haven't got a fucking clue about modern life and lack even a carbon nanotube of common sense.
  18. Dave Umbongo

    My knees

    Spotto, rather than you lot worrying about knees I would have thought your top boffin scientists are frantically running scenarios to determine if this monkey pox virus that your dirty lot have brought into the UK can actually be transmitted to sheep via the male genital to arsehole route
  19. Lady boys. Or, as I believe you refer to them, 'chicks with dicks'
  20. Huggy Bear??......and not forgetting the silverback in charge of the whole shebang, Captain Dobie!
  21. You forgot about the negress Benjamin Button that is Floella Benjamin (perhaps the shared name makes her ageless??) ....and of course Jenny Powell, she would get my votes, well I would give her one, at least.
  22. Dave Umbongo


    Rather than sing it can you arrange for yourself to be frozen, cryogenically, instead. Thanks.
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