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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Weights got nothing to do with it as I would still give the rotund Kelly Brook one when she's waddling around in that FatFighters ad. These lezza tuskers have tried to polish that turd to within and inch of it's life with the addition of hideously dyed hair, tattoos and a gurn resembling Stephen Hawking taking a massive shit (in his current state)
  2. Why do they both bear more than just a passing resemblance to Ma Bacon from the Viz magazine?? Aren't lezzas bothered about their appearance nowadays?
  3. Ape and King Billy are right, fuck off.
  4. Heteronormative - 'the biologically accepted norm of a mother and father' because it is not biologically possible to create life without spunk intercepting a blood egg and for that, you need a cock and a fanny or, in less crude terms, a bird AND a geezer.
  5. On a positive note the lucky little bastard has got a choice of 4 tits to suck on.
  6. Billy, I've just learned that your Anti-Vax hero and brother of Dianne Abbotts Steptoe like lover, Piers Corbyn, was in Norwich today spouting another load of old bollox not dissimilar to some of the theories spouted on here. To be fair, I'm only guessing that last bit as I didn't actually see it as I was WFH today.
  7. America can do what they fucking like. The irony in refusing someone entry to your business because they don't have a mask or have been jabbed, ergo they could potentially give Covid to someone, but they're carrying (a licensed) 9mm Beretta in their bag.
  8. Darwinism by Covid, how poetic.
  9. They're called railway stations, not terminals.........according to John Holmes the Second.
  10. Stupid fucking Ouzo guzzling swarthys have set fire to their country somehow. They're now evacuating residents by ferry and all I'm saying is they better not start turning up on our shores as we have enough to fucking deal with all the 30 year old bearded kids that regularly arrive on a fucking lilo.
  11. He probably walks as though he's got a massive cock between his legs.............. ...., like you.
  12. Seems as though people are too selfish and predisposed with their own lives to care for another like a parent should care for a child. The reasons for these two recent cases demonstrate that, one wanted to go to a party, the other wanted to have sex. It makes the Philpots reason seem somewhat more valid in a rather macabre way.
  13. If these so called 'authorities' had any fucking common sense in the first place they wouldn't have to continually learn lessons from simple fucking mistakes* (* basic incompetence)
  14. I didn't mention she was black in my original post as I considered it irrelevant to the story and I think I also get credits so I can call someone a black cunt later ( a bit like carbon off-setting). However, she does possess a dark complexion to match her dark expression in her mugshot.
  15. Drag yourself into the 2020's Baws, even gays spawn offspring nowadays, fucked if I know how although I believe a turkey baster, a Karcher pressure washer and some daft cunts frozen jizz is involved.
  16. Fuck off Ape you boring cunt. What does it feel like for you to have relegated ProfB to 2nd place.
  17. Stupid fucking bitch went partying for nearly 6 days leaving her 18 month old child home alone to fend for itself. Upon returning home she found her child dead. Stupid, fucking useless, fucking moronic fucking ignorant fucking bitch. I Hope she fucking dies extremely slowly and very painfully.
  18. It was side splitting 2 months ago. When was the last time you typed something mildly amusing, you thick as pig shit fucking wanker?
  19. if he was a competitive bodybuilder I think you are definitely correct in the use of substances that fuck up the rest of your body.
  20. Apparently she said, 'I bet he feels a right flid, for thinking he can beat covid'
  21. One that's got a full cylinder from recently being involved in cleaning out the back of a Bedford Rascal.., probably
  22. Dead now. Thought he was fit enough to fight off Covid 19 without the vaccine. What do you think of that Billy / Eric? You never know when your numbers up.
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