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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You forgot, not taking any responsibility for ending up in the position she finds herself and still expecting other people to sort her problems out. Fucking useless waste of space and benefits.
  2. Sheffield council should step in and offer her some alternative accommodation in one of their hotels.
  3. I suppose it's to much to expect the childrens' father to stump up some money for shooting his muck up this ungrateful slags cunt*. (* ©1974 Mills and Boon)
  4. Perhaps the 'L' on the keyboard didn't work.
  5. or, not to stereotype, dig his potatoes up from his allotment.
  6. Oh, and your black hole like personality that sucks the life out of everything.
  7. That's right. Not a fucking ocean wall but a sea wall, but I'm fucked if I know the difference between these walls. (Note to self - check Google for spellings, and everything else, for I am a clever bastard)
  8. And the River Thames is part of the North Sea. So, using your piss poor analogy......
  9. In Cromer? Inform us with your worldly geographic wisdow as to which ocean you think will get rid of this? You utterly stupid prick.
  10. Even though the consumption of alcohol in Afghanistan is illegal it's still possible to come back legless. Ask Jack Cummings if you don't believe me.
  11. He'll soon be as famous as The Green Mile, and hopefully for the same reasons.
  12. Do you think that's the real reason he went there?
  13. The stupid cunt has travelled to a red list country so, to add to his woes, his body parts will have to be quarantined for 10 days should any of them make it back to the UK, and, what fucking stupid, sad cunt goes to a holiday destination where the consumption of alcohol is illegal??
  14. I think that's just you, you boringly predictable cunt.
  15. Sounds like the toddler is an ideal recruit for the local Police Academy. No fucking about shooting the black 'criminals' in the thigh, went straight for a head shot.
  16. Couldn't give less of a fuck, as long as the disposed ethnics don't start washing up on our shores on an inflatable unicorn.
  17. Are you sure it's a bed you're after and not just a strip of cardboard for the doorway of your local Poundstretcher because your mums kicked you out for being an annoying (and gay, probably) cunt.
  18. You're the fucking expert in anything mong related.
  19. Wheres the Mariana Trench like ginger snatch with the aroma of a discarded crab pot?
  20. What the fuck are you doing back posting on here? Those wheelie bins don't empty themselves, you know.
  21. I don't think she liked Wurzels pumpkin head, especially one that looks like it's been smeared with glue and kicked around a dog grooming parlour before closing time on a Friday afternoon.
  22. Apparently his YouTube account has been disabled because he "violated their off-line behaviour policy". No fucking shit!
  23. Well that explains why that calorie counting diet isn't fucking working for her either.
  24. "He won't be back" FFS, he sounds like a Terminator powered by a ZX81 with a 16k expansion pack.
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