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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Dave Umbongo


    Remind me which rule refers to implied or implication, you fucking div.
  2. Dave Umbongo


    Oh, by the way PansyNet messaged and said your membership application is successful.
  3. Dave Umbongo


    7 year old noms. you thick cunt. What are you reporting exactly?
  4. Dave Umbongo


    If nobody had yet guessed that Clavo is LadyP, I think you've just given them a massive hint. Oh, and for the record, the rumour was that the 'P' always stood for penis.
  5. Dave Umbongo


    Are you ever concerned about coming across as a bully? Or are you just jealous of the size of Pens' cock compared to your nano-penis?
  6. He only checked in with Lucifer on Friday though. Was he another 'U'-turner encouraging people not to leave it to late to be vaccinated?
  7. Another sceptic bites the dust, Marcus Birks. Birks by name, Berk by nature. Lol. Fuck right off Anti-Vax cunts.
  8. Why have I got a mental image of Jeremy Beadle trying to pick up a Coke can.
  9. Now that Thora Hird no longer presents Songs of Praise I don't have to wait until 5pm.
  10. Sad, isn't it. I was having a wank. How was yours?
  11. Wheelchair pole-vaulting to look forward to tomorrow.
  12. And why aren't the wheelchair bound allowed to compete in the velodrome in some sort of hybrid Rollerball / Ben Hur / destruction derby event. I'd probably watch that, especially if the flids could customise their rides like they do in Robot Wars.
  13. Not really. She's as thick as shit anyway and any little thing amuses her, even my button mushroom cock.
  14. Fair dues Spotto. I think I would rather shag a sheep than 90% of the faux tartlets on this shit shower of a TV programme.
  15. With wide-ons that would make Punkape jealous.
  16. I had to do a Roops* for a name of one of the contestants and I only know it's ended because I get a response from the missus now if I ask her a question after 9pm. (* Google, Firefox, AskJeeves or any other fucking search engine)
  17. I know this is not a cunt as the programme is a pile of dog shit and I am glad it's fucking over. The reason for this nom. is so we can run a sweepstake on which one of the vacuous cunts that appeared in it will be the first to do a 'Flackers' and end it all. CBB is going for Liberty Poole.
  18. Don't be too hard on him. His previous dentist had celebrity clients..., well Shane McGowan.
  19. Do they serve soup as I think that will be all he can manage.
  20. Couldn't give two shiny shits about press that replaces an 'S' with a 'Z' at every fucking opportunity. Use English you stupid fucking Yank cunts
  21. You can't trust a fucking Pakistani, just look at the out of date shit they try and flog out of their shitty corner shops. Fuck off.
  22. I'm surprised no one has complained about the gender specific name of this award although I guess George can also be short for Georgina.
  23. It's why I post on here. I'm pleased that PansySpacker is posting more regularly again, no offence. CBBollox
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