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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Has anyone noticed those Amazon cunts have ramped up their delivery charges. I've been looking for a micro sd card and every cunting one I click on says delivery will be £4.99...? to deliver something the size of your thumb nail?? I reckon they're either doing it because they've got to pay the drivers a decent wage to stop them going somewhere else or they want every muggy punter to pay for Prime. Fuck off Amazon cunts, I'll get one on the high street.
  2. So they reckon Australia made a 'diplomatic' error cancelling the deal. Perhaps it was something simple like recent experience driving a Renault or Citroen car that caused them to cancel the deal - the engineering and build quality of those will tell you all you need to know about the frogs engineering expertise.
  3. I don't fucking know. They both changed their name to Starburst?
  4. At a guess, to demonstrate you're a useless fucking cunt.
  5. Wire wheels? and without the shitty rubber inserts in the chrome bumper over-riders?
  6. I have to be honest, I think you're a bit of a cunt, In a 'roundabout' way. Fuck off.
  7. What you need to remember Neil is the tables have turned, Whitey is now the slave out working all hours god sends so he hasn't got time to sit on his arse watching a load of PC, woke bollox that seems to be aired on terrestrial TV.
  8. I saw loads of the cunts on TV in the late 70's, in fact there were to many of the cunts. Now what was the name of that programme, I fucking loved it.......got it, Roots.
  9. Was it to stop the spread of Covid or because you look like John Merricks identical twin and you were putting the other patrons off?
  10. You forgot the energy consumption of Franks cryo-freezer for Mings corpse. The carbon footprint must be bigger than the imaginary cars of Punkapes' Range Rover, Roops' Mercedes and some other punters Audi RS4 combined.
  11. You're only jealous because he jumped the queue and got the bionic hip that was reserved for you.
  12. What's this I hear that two-faced, double standards cock-womble Michel Barnier is standing as Conservative president of France and he wants a referendum for France to regain its sovereignty?? In other words he wants France to fuck off the EU. If there was any doubt that politicians are only in the game for themselves.
  13. Years of perfecting her steel like grip of a tennis racket would probably mean she would rip your little soldier off at the stalk whilst 'giving you a hand'
  14. Scotland and Andy Murray can fuck off now that we have a proper British tennis star. I've not felt as proud since Greg Rusedski was playing.
  15. Dave Umbongo

    The Titanic

    How come our Keystone Kops of a UK border force can intercept a yacht travelling from Jamaica with 120million quids worth of coke on board and then fail to stop 800 pieces of shit arriving on our shores every day.
  16. But Gypps is only here in the hope her former medical expertise can pick up a bit of private work and help Clavo lose a couple of pounds of bodyweight that the 'meat and two veg' has added.
  17. Christ you're lame. (Might as well make it a Double. Geddit?)
  18. While I have all sympathy for you for not knowing your father, you fucking bastard, it doesn't give you the right to post piss poor noms. like this. Be a bit more specific FFS.
  19. What has the Met Police and Pen got in common? They've both got a dick they want to get rid of.
  20. I'm guessing Priti Patels got it. There's got to be a reason she's made it to those lofty heights.
  21. Dave Umbongo

    The Titanic

    Really? I would have expected them to just be black, not black AND white.
  22. Dave Umbongo

    The Titanic

    Judy will probably get hold of the Caractacus Potts blueprints and convert his scooter to an amphibious vehicle.
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