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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Bender. Why didn't you just say if you wanted to suck his cock.
  2. If there's one positive outcome of all the cunts queueing at petrol stations, at least it keeps the stupid cunts out of the supermarkets until the next media hyped shortage. I went shopping in the local supermarket last night and it was lovely and quiet possibly aided by the 30+ cars waiting for a tanker to unload at the petrol station down the road. Don't these stupid cunts watch Eastenders?
  3. Good nom. I've been campaigning for years to get the snails removed from Joyland in Great Yarmouth because I think it's offensive to them BO riddled, garlic munching frogs, with the exception of @Witheredscrote obviously.
  4. What we need is a Lone Ranger (Kemo Sabe) type cunt to keep this Little Injun in check.
  5. Drink E10, if you can fucking get some.
  6. Don't you types settle these things with a quick bare knuckle straightener on the cobbles?
  7. So these bunch of cunts are saying that consumers will have to wait longer for their Christmas packages to arrive unless UKGov relax immigration rules so they can source staff for their warehouses. Fuck off, you bunch of cunts, pay a decent wage with decent conditions and you won't have a shortage of staff because you will have an edge over the competition. The power and influence in the labour market is gradually transitioning from these big corporations to the workers and if you ask me Brexit has done more for UK workforce than any fucking union has done in the last 15 years. And, your clothing is shit, mass produced Indonesian rags that only woke poofters wear.
  8. I bet if you drove up to this car wreck in the Rascal you wouldn't hesitate to help a lady in distress....., I mean to get her undressed.
  9. Dave Umbongo


    Just a thought but, how does Llama meat taste compared to something like a Christmas Turkey?
  10. I've just caught the end of Cuntryfile on BBC1 and they're doing a national "One MAN And HIS Dog" competition. Cue the complaints from the LGBTIA+ contingent and people with a cervix.
  11. I bet Keir gets Annaliese to wank him off rather than Angela.....for his ego.
  12. He got a well deserved roasting by Andrew Marr this morning and, just like politics Andrews' left is fucking useless too.
  13. Dave Umbongo


    In some sort of gay 3-way love tryst no doubt.
  14. Dave Umbongo


    Hello Maximus, where do you sit in the hierarchy with that cunt Decimus who posts on here too?
  15. She's only famous because of her dad Johnny and it's a pity he didn't fucking wear one.
  16. Dave Umbongo


    I'm glad Steve Jobs is dead. Fucking nicked all the techie ideas from others and his only independent brainwave was to produce the existing items in different colours.
  17. Dave Umbongo


    What nuclear grade fuckcunts this Apple lot really are. Apparently having charger connections that are all the same will "stifle innovation"!! Stifle what innovation exactly?? The innovation to charge 8x times what it should do for a fucking charging cable because it's specific to your i-phone, i-pad. Cunts! It's why I don't have ANY Apple products. If they can introduce software by stealth to deliberately slow your device down 'to protect the battery' I'm sure they're innovative enough to work out how +'ve and -'ve terminals work to charge a fucking battery. Did I say they were cunts?
  18. I want to know where the electricity shortage is coming from when I have a fuck off massive solar farm about 4 miles up the road and just off the coast about 20 miles away there are more windmills than in the whole of the Netherlands. It's bullshit.
  19. I've got a multi fuel stove so the fucking Russians can do what they like with the gas supply.
  20. The press seem to be making a big thing of 'fizzy drink shortages'! So fucking what, it might cure some of the little chav cunts of their ADHD.
  21. Errr. I suspect (and hope) you're referring to an original Citroen DS, and not a DX.
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