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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. The flying knee to the side of the fucking skull* (*a knee to Mick Jaggers horse like gob would probably result in knee surgery)
  2. Anyone tried googling 'what space movie came out in 1992'
  3. A kryptonite rectum should keep the gay supercunt away.
  4. Fuck you Dickless, 14 replies so far, or if you want to include this one, 15.
  5. You mean Extra Terrestrials, you insensitive slag.
  6. 13 replies you slovenly cunt. I wonder if this will get more.
  7. Just heard this term mentioned on the Radio 2 news. Jessie Nelson of Little Mix has been accused of it in her latest video suggesting she wore fake tan and had her hair done to look like a negress. Apparently, they don't like it and I thought imitation was the sincerest form of flattery. Golly, I can't fucking keep up with these new words and phrases. Discuss, or fuck off.
  8. There's a reason Emma B is on the radio and not TV, what predatory sex offender would even consider flashing this facially challenged Harridan of publicity.
  9. My next laptop will be running Android. Even Microsoft releases versions of their software for this O/S.
  10. You thick cunt. Do I really need to explain the meaning of potential to you, you illiterate, uneducated piece of shit?
  11. @Clavo to the main board. Someone's suggesting women should have bollocks.
  12. Wasn't an all female police force already trialled during the closing sequence of an episode of Benny Hill, from memory.
  13. After Sarah Everard, I would imagine women are thinking that if they are being sexually assaulted, why would they call for help from another potential sex predator by dialling 999?? It would be a bit of a 'gamble' as to what type of PC Plod would turn up, hence the number 888 I guess.
  14. If you are being muffed out press '6'; if you are giving a blow job press '9'
  15. Don't get me fucking started on equality, especially these stupid slags who want misogyny recognised as a crime. Well if you get that then misandry also needs to be a crime.
  16. I normally reply, "yes, why not. You don't want to waste what little time you've got left to live waiting in a queue do you, you old cunt"
  17. So my current PC doesn't meet the requirements for Windows 11, apparently i7 is the minimum processor specification. Well fuck of Bill, you cunt, I'm not upgrading my hardware just to run Windows 8.1...I mean Windows 11. It's another fucking disaster for Microsoft, no wonder people are starting to see the benefits of Linux and Ubuntu.
  18. I would prefer it if you were 'Dyin' CBB
  19. Bolo Yeung was a big yellow thing. No, not big bird from Sesame Street but a Chinese martial artist and bodybuilder. If I'm not mistaken his latest press coverage involved him fiddling with the cock of a young boy in the changing room of a gym. I would quickly disassociate yourself from this Bolo Yeung character if I were you @Eric Cuntman
  20. I thought the poofs were always gay.
  21. The fucking stuff evaporates in less than 6 months off my shelf, and that's the stuff that hasn't just run off the edge as I've poured it on the shelf.
  22. I hope the Taliban aren't reading this because it looks like you can drive an empty tanker around until 20+ dimwits in cars are following and then drive off of the nearest cliff and these cunts sound like they will follow, exactly like the fucking lemmings they are.
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