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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. He should have stuck with the family business like his brother Mike and made knickers in Manchester instead. Stupid lying cunt.
  2. Billy, are you thinking of asking for a rebate on your National Insurance for not taking up the offer of a Covid vaccine?
  3. Get with the times Ape, you retarded cunt. I'm repairing my own air source heat pumps now.
  4. What the fuck are you doing out then. Fuck off.
  5. Must be a full moon. Evening cunt.
  6. You twat, you jump to conclusions quicker than Tony Blair in the Middle East.
  7. Would it be out of place for me to quote a well known phrase which I can't remember the first bit of, "............,to know one"
  8. Or an over 16's club on the 22nd October 1966.
  9. Well I reckon the police were thinking about not over-burdoning the NHS in their approach to this case. When they're dead they're a problem for the undertakers and not the NHS with their AIDS, prolapsed arses and snapped banjo strings.
  10. I've now had two Astra Zenecas and one Moderna shot and I didn't have any fucking side effects whatsoever. I feel fucking cheated and that it's all a big con because I've heard of lots of other people (mainly gay ones) who have suffered side effects. Pile of shit.
  11. You fussy cunts. What about Sophia Hadjipanteli, she's a model you know.
  12. I was thinking more along the lines that there's a huge dust-pan lid type space between the slits.
  13. And you can't really miss shooting a chink between the eyes.
  14. Have they released an EP, preferably on vinyl for that extra warmth (of sound)
  15. And he's still got his own hair......., he's got the receipt to prove it.
  16. I wonder how many failed tests it went through before being released to the market.
  17. Latest to top this annual shit-fest is Elton John and Ed Sheeran, a mincing fucking queen and a ginger - that's put the kiss of death on that song if it wasn't already a shit enough torture for my ears.
  18. A real 'lady' wouldn't offer to take it outside to the car park unless it was offering a blow job. I can't say I'm convinced it is any more of a woman than Lady(?)P.
  19. @Dave I don't know what it is but you do seem to attract shit. One post and @Wolfie and @Decimus show up like a couple of super glued dangleberries firmly adhered to your rectum pubes.
  20. The close coupled bog put paid to proper flushing action. Even with a small hole a 7ft head of 6 litres of water would shift even the most stubborn of black treacle like skid marks from your vitreous china. In the Netherlands their bogs mean your shit lands on a shelf above the water so you can examine it a'la Gillian McKeith for sweetcorn etc.. but obviously no danger of splashback here. And, my diagnosis for anyone that has massive unflushable turds is perhaps the ring has been overstretched, probably by something of equal size and shape going against the natural direction of flow in a pumping action. It's a thought.
  21. Dave Umbongo

    Piers morgan

    This dopey fucking slut is reviewing the rags on Andrew Marr this morning and she's just repeating the GMTV MO to undermine Boris and the UK Govt. What a fucking joke she is and well suited to the circus that is GMTV.
  22. Hopefully they'll kill each other.
  23. It's no good hiding behind @Wolfie's petticoat. Fight your own battles you fucking cry baby, Nancy boy.
  24. Just to annoy you, you fucking wanker. Has it worked?
  25. What I want to know is why aren't the energy companies strategically building wind turbines so next time a Storm Arwen hits, the moaning cunts who can't play Call of Duty because they haven't got any power will be moaning about having too much energy. Wankers.
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