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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. And you better not be talking about Gillian McKeith level qualifications for these so called boffins you talk of. Qualifications that have been purchased from some backwater US university that are about as useful as a reverse threaded corkscrew from a Spoils kitchen reject shop.
  2. This is all very well but if I need medical treatment for any reason I would be very fucking pissed off if I was told "there's no room at the inn" because the beds are disproportionately filled with loony anti-vaxers. In my opinion, we ought to continue the facility for old cunts in that we have old peoples homes, why not have old peoples hospitals too, so they're not cluttering up wards in regular hospitals for people who have still got some value and worth to offer to society. Ask yourself, is it really worth spending the same resources trying to keep an 80+ year old Covid sufferer alive so they can return home to eat soup and stroke their cat all day, rather than a 40 year old who drives an HGV for a living - introduce ageism to medical care!
  3. ......but you more than make up for it in your relationship, in a roundabout way.
  4. The actual wording of the joke is irrelevant if you've realised that it sort of implies that your missus shags a dog.
  5. My current least favourite advert that gives me a mental image of an elephant on ice skates leaving a trail of blood across the ice is the latest Always jam rag advert which has some voluminous heffer squeezed into some lycra and a pair of ice skates muttering something about skating making her feel weightless even when she's blobbing. Fucking sick.
  6. What do you call a dyslexic atheist? Someone who doesn't believe in dog. Now re-post without spelling errors.
  7. Statistics say the Chinky Flu vaccine is just as effective against salmonella as it is Covid, so fill your boots. I expect you'll be having stomach cramps and sickness in about 4 hours.
  8. Brain and index fingers being the main ones that appear to be playing up. You're a stupid fucking cunt for posting reasonable and logical arguments to assert your opinion on here. Now, act more like a cunt or fuck off.
  9. Nomination about "West-side story remake flops", flops. Stupid cunt.
  10. Buy her a watch for Christmas then, you tight fucking cunt.
  11. Alex Scott is a 3rd rate presenter compared to Sam Quek and she can have my extra thick love yoghurt any day. My great great grandad Bigbollox always told me to check the undercarriage of an alleged split arse that's got two blokes names.
  12. What do you expect them to do when their career is over? Make shitty adverts for bags of cooked potato products or fragrances for suspected rapists?
  13. You fucking retard. Post anything like that again and you'll be threw(sic).
  14. If only the baby Jesus was born this year - there's plenty of fucking room in every inn, from what I've seen.
  15. What's that? Did someone say BBC and fact in the same sentence.
  16. Congratulations on getting the 3rd worst nom. for responses ever posted on Cunts Corner, behind Roundabouts and anything posted by Ape.
  17. That's global warming for yer Spanzy., frost disappearing in winter.
  18. Obviously you haven't seen one of Frank's videos. He's the best on here.
  19. Dave Umbongo


    Fucking hell, the corners Judith Chalmers has spoken.
  20. Well if it's any consolation I fucking hate you and wish you were dead. No offence and Merry Christmas Stubbs.
  21. Did your lot of Murphy mug shifters have a hand in digging this hole like they did with our Norfolk Broads, you spastic paddy.
  22. This is a classic example of the value you contribute to this site.
  23. It appears the fucking Frogs are banning UK residents from visiting France. Well, good luck with that you stupid Froggy cunts because if you can't stop 1000's of rag heads from leaving your shores and heading to the UK I can't imagine you will be very successful stopping people coming in, not that most sensible people in the UK want to visit your shitty country anyway. I only have one thing to say on the matter, at least we'll be getting some decent submarines soon. Fuck off.
  24. Anything called Toto deserves to be sucked up and shat out by a tornado.
  25. You certainly fucking are. Bell-end.
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