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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Even the bunch of cunts that are the BBC thought this Bellfield character was too much of a ginger tosspot to be in their gang. The cunt hasn't stopped fucking whingeing about it since.
  2. You ungrateful cunt @Snowy, if it wasn't for them you would be sat at home furiuosly wanking over Schofield every day.
  3. She's fucking right though, it must be the colour of her skin that takes the jobs away from these other women, it certainly isn't her fucking acting ability, is it?
  4. I think they refer to it as an island just to reassure all the viewers and listeners that normal people are relatively secure from the gene pool seeing as it is surrounded by a good stretch of water. Obviously not wide enough in my opinion.
  5. If you're looking down Regent St then you're in the wrong fucking place altogether, possibly London. You thick cunt.
  6. If I weren't so fucking knackered I would be along the Acle Straight right now to pummel your stupid head in with a 16lb bowling ball so you would look as deformed as the best model in the wax works on Regent Road. Bollox, that fucking bowling alley on Regent Road isn't there since it burnt down. You've had a very fucking lucky escape. Enjoy your Club meal and drink, you skinflint.
  7. I thought Troll Carts was the slang term for the taxis that used to drop the local slags off outside the Garibaldi.
  8. I'm just thinking how much better must it be than Yarmouth on the Isle-of-Wight for it to earn the moniker of 'Great'
  9. Oh, Grow up. That's what I would say to Peter.
  10. Thanks mate. Do you need a hair cut followed by a good bumming?, because apparently I'm gayer than Christmas. Nige x
  11. Fucking Keystone Cops and Cressida Dick have been fucking things up again in the shit-pit capital. Arresting a driver of a car because he deliberately drove at and killed some fucking psycho who was stabbing his ex-bird to death in the street. I would describe running the cunt over with nearly 2 tonnes of motorised metal reasonable force and therefore demand his immediate release to free up some metropolitan police resource to investigate these rape claims that they keep getting accused of. Fucking utter bunch of cunts.
  12. That's all we need, a load of fucking browns washing up in Dover with body parts missing. Is a missing kidney a recognised disability?
  13. Do you know if livers are up for sale too?......., asking for a friend.
  14. Nah, my real name is Julianne. You see, I'm also a bird, not a geezer.
  15. FFS Eddie, I have been subject to some pretty harsh ridicule on this website but you've gone to fucking far this time. What the fuck makes you think I would have a gay hairdressers name like Nigel?? Fuck off.
  16. I don't see how a face-to-face appointment is going to be any good if the quack wants to examine my piles.
  17. Sexist, imperial cunt. I can only make Wednesday because the other days I'm teaching my 11th Dan Karate group how to do a 2.54cm punch to kill anyone.
  18. 07:59 on Wednesday outside The Bell in Norwich. That way I can still order my breakfast and Stella at 8am when we've finished.
  19. So you did know where your tea was. What did you have for 'dessert', something like carrot cake, ginger cheesecake or an out of date red mullet?
  20. On the tip of Punkapes cock,where it normally ends up. Post digestion.
  21. How close is the 'B' to the 'F' on your keyboard?
  22. Don't be fooled. Everyone knows that I'm more clevererer than anyone else on here.
  23. I don't think I would keep my food down if I had to sit opposite this toilet plunger mouthed, self important old slut.
  24. What they need is some Elon Musk type cunt to build a spastic chair with caterpillar tracks, a Caterchair, to help the flids get to the really high dangerous places so they can erm..., enjoy the view.
  25. I think I prefer this nom. as it brings the thick, vacuous slag back to our attention. Turns out some historic racist, fatphobic and homophobic tweets have resurfaced which reinforces the slags painfully shallow existence and her career?? is going down the toilet.
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