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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Full with what? You didn't have any fucking potatoes did you?
  2. ....saying that, boy am I glad I had 2x Astra Zeneca and 1x Moderna jab rather than this untested Pfizer shit. Before Covid the word Pfizer meant weedkiller to me. @King Billy have any studies been carried out to determine if a daily pint of whiskey increases or decreases the effect of the Covid vaccine on the liver, especially in under 16's?
  3. I have to admit that I don't actually read the posts on here expecting to get some inspiring lifestyle advice or any instruction on what to do to live long and prosper. The king is dead, long live the king (Billy).
  4. Only homo bum bandits put Lol after their posts. I rest my case.
  5. I would jab two of them myself. You can do what you like with the blokes, you homo.
  6. Just now caught the remnants of an Always jam rag advert that presents the following statistic, "61% of young people are embarrassed about having their period". That can't be fucking right because about 50% of 'young people' can't have a period because they're currently a boy (until they change their mind and opt for cock and balls removal) Anyhow, I thought I would check the statistic out on Google and it turns out Mumsnet has already picked up on this and have pointed out that Always seem to be embarrassed about the fact that girls are the only ones to have periods but to be PC they have referred to them as 'young people'. What a fucking shit-storm of pandering to the gender fluid fucking they/them cunts of society.
  7. You mean that feckin' Father Ted or Mrs Browns Boys.
  8. I would tell you to shove it up your arse, but I imagine you've already ticked that off your bucket list. @camberwell gypsy did you ever have any patients in A&E with a 6ft fluorescent tube up their arse that sounded like an old chap?
  9. I noticed the same thing many years ago where popular children's presenter John Craven started pronouncing Uranus as "yuor-ray-nuhs", whereas a couple of other presenters, namely Rolf and Jimmy, still liked "your-anus". Fuck off
  10. Next they'll be rebooting Rent-a-Ghost with actual spooks.
  11. What do you call Harvey Price covered in spunk? Sticky black spastic.
  12. @Eric Cuntman I presume you'll be glued to BBC1 at 9pm tonight to get some more material to ridicule that gargantuan brown spastic, and no, I don't mean that old pissed up slag Katie.
  13. You sad fucking cunt, on a Sunday evening as well. I fucking hope you haven't knackered yourself out because me and my fellow taxpayers are expecting you to put as much mundane effort into counting paperclips or whatever boring shit you do for a job tomorrow morning.
  14. You're fucking barmy. Barmy (Ba-mi) adjective; formal British Mad; Crazy You fucking stupid, fucking retarded cunt.
  15. Learn to spell properly you Northern fucking cunt. "Balmy"
  16. Don't bother Frank. I think someone said on here that RatsCack was like a cockroach, which means you could chop his head off and he'd still plague the site. Well, it was either that or he likes cock, I can't fucking remember to be honest.
  17. Tears For Fears would never have been if it weren't for Roland Orzabal. Curt Smith was the Jason Orange or the Bez of the band - fucking useless, like you are to this site Fwank, you Mong-Ming shagger.
  18. He had plenty of good innings, but not the one that really matters.
  19. An 'electric' battery?? as opposed to what? the battery your arse receives on a Friday night in West Caister?
  20. The only thing I give a fuck about is, why have I got to pay an extra 10p per litre of fuel? It's a fucking downright liberty that this petty squabble is impacting my life.
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