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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Probably the same way we all coped when Punkape was serving his lengthy ban.
  2. I'm doing a Pen and watching BBC News and they're interviewing a former footballer who came out gay and his actual words were, "we want to support Jake Daniels and really get behind him". I bet you fucking do, you poof. Before shooting your spunk up his shit-tube. I'm glad Punkape's back to provide an opinion from the poofters viewpoint.
  3. She might have a point, you fucking useless cunt, spouting a load of shit as if you think you know what you're talking about, you twat. Well, I know I'm a bloke. Are you a bird Wolfie?
  4. They'll fucking put a caravan park anywhere nowadays.
  5. Pen will do you an extra large meat and two veg as a post-pub snack, or so I've heard.
  6. Sounds about right, and would actually explain a lot about your posts. I don't think CuntsCorner is the right place to disclose this sort of information though.
  7. And missed out 'someone else's'
  8. It's not as good if I have to explain it to dimwits but here goes, I've posted this because press coverage of this little spat is 3rd or 4th story on most news media websites, BBC, SkyNews etc... and for that reason it's a cunt, actually for getting any coverage at all but, perhaps that was the plan of these couple of fickle tarts.
  9. It's original though isn't it and it's nominated as a cunt because this is cunts corner, you thick fucking cunt.
  10. What I mean by this is the amount of fucking prime press coverage given to a pissy little war of words between one gold digging, pain in the fucking arse, useless bitch and another gold digging, pain in the arse, useless bitch that is Mrs Rooney and Mrs Vardy. No one's fucking interested, at all.
  11. Or shake your teeth off of their titanium implant posts, eh Billy?
  12. This shouldn't bother the majority of posters on here with their imaginary BMW M3 sporting the run-flat tyre option. Fuck off.
  13. Would your brain care to grace us with an intelligent and original thought one day? I await in misguided hope, you fucking Deacon.
  14. All over your cock from one of them, no doubt. You boring fucking bender.
  15. Does South-Hampton even have a train station and more to the point, has the suburb of Hampton been given North and South designation. Dumb sheep.
  16. I always get him mixed up with Martin Fry, the lead singer with ABC.
  17. I'm waiting for them to bring back Roots with Daniel Radcliffe playing the role of Kunte Kinte.
  18. I would be prepared to take one for the team just to confirm that life had been extinguished.
  19. Makes you wonder how long before the Tardis is equipped with a sub-woofer blasting out drum 'n' bass as it transcends the universe.
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