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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You can be Paul Chuckle as Barry Chuckle was the one who actually looked like an Ape. Chuck off.
  2. You're not fucking American, you've spelt spelt wrong.
  3. Kathy Lloyd was always front of the queue in my wank-bank.
  4. "That things thinner than your spindly legs, keep it away from me" I'm guessing here.
  5. I quite liked 'This Woman's Work' but clearly the lyrics are all fabricated bullshit, with the exception of Ming obviously, she's still getting defrosted and set to 'work' even though she's dead, or so I've heard.
  6. Thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure I'm either out or the tellies broken.
  7. You might be surprised to learn that I only post on here for my own benefit, and I certainly don't do it to impress a couple of idiot gay chuckle brothers like you and Ape. No offence, fuckwit.
  8. The latest celebrity(?) to court some publicity from this little stunt is Dame Kelly Holmes, I vaguely remember her/it at the time and, I don't know about anyone else, but my suspicions were raised in 1988 by the square jawline, broad shoulders and short haircut. However she has now come out gay after keeping it 'hidden' for 34 years. Qulle surprise, but at least you've got some column inches to remind people you do still exist. You're not a Julius Francis though.
  9. Good morning Ape. You stupendously boring cunt. Any chance you might have died in your sleep, boring yourself to death with your unimaginative dreams
  10. Your tedious posts aren't helping. Take the hint you useless cunt.
  11. Roops only gave me about 4 days recently for something worse than this, I would have given her one. Fnarr, Fnarr.
  12. Make me, or anyone really, laugh FFS. I don't think I've ever read one of your submitted posts that isn't just a critique of how bad someone else's is, you fucking one dimensional one trick monkey. ps. Fuck off you unbelievably boring cunt
  13. We're all getting ready for the forthcoming rebranding to (Woke) Cunts Corner.
  14. You're the Bugger King, @Wolfie. See, I can't spell that either,....or have I?
  15. Fuck that. Imagine if Grenfell Tower was in Liverpool.
  16. I'm not a regular patron of these chav pig troughs so forgive my minor faux pas. I can spell Claridges and Fortnum & Mason though. Fuck off
  17. I hope someone more deserving is dealt with by the NHS than this pair of feckless fucking munters and I would hope that was why they had to wait so long, plus they probably don't have to get up for work the next day. I would guess they contribute fuck-all to the running of the NHS, they do however look like they contribute to MacDonalds profits. https://news.sky.com/story/nhs-waiting-times-couple-left-traumatised-after-nine-hour-wait-in-a-e-which-was-like-a-battle-zone-12635159
  18. Today's headlines. Sir Leonard Henry of the Black Country 'surprised at so few white faces on the plane' Where's the diversity in the deportation policy?
  19. I imagine it's something to do with living under a rag in a pile of mud and shit reminding them to much of home, even if it is only for 3 days.
  20. I heard that 24 of the 72 victims had opted for burial rather than cremation. Shit happens.
  21. SkyNews reckons that £150million of tax payers money has been spent so far on this 4 year public enquiry, now I'm not suggesting that this shouldn't happen but the original budget for the entire refurbishment of the tower was less than £10million and the fucking halfwits in charge that made the decision to change the original fire resistant cladding to highly flammable death trap cladding made this decision to save £270k. I expect to see that some management at the tenant management organisation will commit suicide shortly after the criminal investigations start just to make me feel a bit better. Claire Williams, Peter Madison and Robert Black will do for starters.
  22. That'll be twelfty-seven for departure from gate eleventy-nine.
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