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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I'm no scientist boffin but to fuel something for nearly a day and a half so you could use it for a maximum of 6 hours is akin to spending about 3 days dribbling petrol into your car. It makes no fucking sense.
  2. From what I've seen Netflix can cost between £60 - £192 per year. The BBC TV licence costs £159 for considerably more shit, woke propaganda bollox than Netflix. This stupid fucking cunt you speak of sounds as if he has cancelled the wrong direct debit, that's what the Beeb should be fucking reporting on, and the fact they're a bunch of cunts themselves.
  3. Good shout, that would also make it slightly more awkward for Londoners to infest Norfolk, which has to be a major positive.
  4. From what I've seen he's not such a massive cunt anymore because of all the weight he has lost but, on the other hand, he is still a massive cunt though, just lighter.
  5. Fuck! Ronaldos changed, he's lost a lot of weight and given the donkey its teeth back.
  6. Someone's got to pay for the ravaging of the earths natural resources as a result of the extraction of lithium carbonate to make the batteries for these things "that are going to save the planet" - Yes, right. Now Fuck off, Greta. Don't even get me started on the environmental cost of disposal of the batteries when they require replacing every 5 - 7 years. My current ICE vehicle is 17 years old and therefore, over its service lifespan, is considerably kinder to the environment than a wanker in a Prius.
  7. Dave Umbongo


    I totally agree. It may surprise you to learn that I am quite highly qualified and undertake a very responsible job involving statute compliance in a number of different areas so, when unions start proposing that the likes of bin collectors, cleaners and 'landscape technicians' get an hourly rate equivalent to at least half of my hourly rate then they need a swift kick up the arse to bring them back to the reality that more money in the pockets of thick wankers like Snowy will see the price of fags and Frosty Jack skyrocket.
  8. Set an example for the few billion then, you useless cunt.
  9. A pier in Norwich? The only time Norwich will have one will be when you pair of cunts turn up.
  10. If the teacher had joked about sucking on cocks instead he would have got a shorter suspension as the legal system seems to favour the minorities, even shit stabbing homo's.
  11. Only two, I seem to get pissed a lot quicker since I've been fully vaxed against the Kung-Flu.
  12. Well if you've got something that really aches, like your head, I would suggest that you cut it off post-haste. If, in your hungover state, you don't think you have the stomach for the task I can pop round and do it with a katana that I nicked from a former poster on this site. No need to thank me, just give me some money for fuel.
  13. I can sort of appreciate why someone who communicates as if they've got a pointy hat with a fuck-off big capital letter 'D' on it would express some jealousy of other hat types but, can you provide any other context to this nom?
  14. I bet the Judge has loads of these to wear when he's wanking himself off using an apple sauce condiment and a twelve pack of pork chipolatas wedged in his cheeks.
  15. Oh I am sorry. It's just that I use the search function to see if there's a previous suitable nom. that I can tag current opinions to so I don't look like one those retards that live in a bog. D'ya kno wot I mean, like?
  16. Have you ever heard of current affairs? According to the media diptheria is ripping through some migrant centres so don't be too fucking surprised when this starts to be transmitted through the local populations in Kent, you kunt.
  17. Thanks to the numerous dirty cunts arriving on our shores it is looking likely that inhabitants of Kent will need a diptheria vaccine to go with all the other kids chemistry set chemicals that UKGov insist people get administered.
  18. And that useless fuck faced cunt Gavin Williamson deserves a sound fucking twatting with a splitting maul through his thick fucking incompetent skull.
  19. And........Jimmy Saville would 'have gotten away with it' if it weren't for those pesky kids.* (*© Hanna Barbera)
  20. Ever since Andrew Marr decided to have a Sunday morning lie-in so this visually offensive gargoyle could take over the AM politics slot on the BBC it's been nothing short of a shout fest of split arses talking over one another, like a boring version of Loose Women but with uglier birds, if that were possible. Haven't the BBC learned what happens when you try and mix women and politics - Liz Truss!!!
  21. Glad I can count on your support. My accountant is coming Tuesday to discuss how much extra I need to pay into my pension to keep me out of the higher rate tax bracket. Hopefully I won't have any 'fair wage' issues between now and then.
  22. Dickless won't be sitting on the train as he'll be standing around the brazier on the picket line in support of his socialist mates in the union.
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