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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. My extremely strong suspicion would be the latter.
  2. Makes perfect sense for a silver queen to buy a house metres away from a railway line and then complain about noise. Is it a relation of yours?
  3. It's because I call you Dickless, isn't it?
  4. Note the name of the website, Cuntscorner. I was merely pointing out that its a real cunt spending money on something you no longer need, especially in this recession / cost of living crisis. Kids dying on Xmas Eve was a convenient example to demonstrate this. It's a bit like you having a tin opener and then discovering even the value beans have a ring-pull lid.
  5. I know what happened, some fucking idiot somewhere has given a monkey a typewriter, or an Ape a keyboard. In other words, It's wrong to entrust thick cunts with technology and expect them to have the ability to make any sense.
  6. Oohhhh. An easy win for me. 🎵It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas🎵
  7. Who the fuck knows when you're talking deaths of famous people when you look at the celebrities that provide some assistance to make the final journey with some exotic substance or a ligature around the neck. Do we want to narrow it down to 'natural causes only'? My money's on Daniella Westbrook turning herself inside out during a violent sneeze.
  8. It's best you don't log on ever again if you're offended so easily and I appreciate you're in charge of the stationery cupboard at work but I think you need reminding that you've got fuck-all administration rights on this website. Know your place, Webby.
  9. Fucks sake. What a fucking idiot I must be to think there wouldn't be a couple of snowflakes about on Christmas Eve. For the avoidance of doubt, that's you and Ape, Dickless
  10. What a cunt this must be after you've spunked your hard earned cash on the perfect presents for the little cunts and perhaps even treated the family to a Christmas getaway at somewhere like Centerparcs, and then the little fucker goes and has some medical episode or something so all that effort goes to waste. RIP. (Remember this is Cunts corner)
  11. Fucking hell. Is that Pen on the right??
  12. Don't you find that seagulls are attracted to the fishy aroma from your bike tyres when you're cycling to the charity shops?
  13. Correct. Just say you identify as a woman and you are one. It works for Pen.
  14. ...and it's got a prick, more importantly.
  15. I thought a pre-requisite of being a footballist was to be devoid of any personality traits that anyone other than a total cunt would find appealing and actually vote for.
  16. How the fuck do you spastics turn a nomination titled Hollywood elites into a discussion about the 'W'oss brothers?
  17. It is fair as 4 British children dying leaves room for some bearded brown ones arriving by dinghy to take their place in schools etc...
  18. Useful for the French that didn't have the stomach or balls to swing an axe. I would happily wield an axe across the back of your scrawny fucking neck which I would purposely swing half heartedly to take 4 or 5 swings to get the job done, and then I would probably have a kick-about with your gormless turnip head.
  19. What did you fucking expect buying anything designed and manufactured in France, you fucking retard? Name me one useful thing that is French, apart from a baguette and possibly a white flag.
  20. The parents don't get my condolences, they get fucking questioned as to why 4 children between the ages of 8 and 11 were allowed to play unsupervised near water at this time of year? It's as though they've had parenting classes with Kate and Gerry.
  21. Argentina won't win though. FIFA will make sure of that because they don't have any black players in the team.
  22. Oh I don't know. It would seem the French quality control on their inflatable dinghy tours is consistent with their car industry and any other fucking thing they manufacture.
  23. Fuck off you cheating frog cunt. How much did it cost you to bribe that Mr Magoo of a fucking referee last night?, and you had better not used those funds we've been giving your fucking useless border control to stop swarthys getting across the channel.
  24. I don't want to disappoint @Eddie but I didn't think darkies get to heaven.
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