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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. It's 'an'. An idiot, not a idiot. Don't make yourself look an even bigger cunt than the one you're trying to cunt by making silly little grammatical errors. You dopey cunt.
  2. I bet you fucking have and I bet you're referring to the layby on the A1151 Wroxham Road - It's all over the local rag but they haven't managed to get any names so you're safe for the time being.
  3. I always thought that soccer thuggery was for kids that never grew up from school. I prefer to keep myself to myself safe in the knowledge that I would give anyone of these so called thugs a ride in an ambulance. I remember one of my former school mates getting taken in by all this shit with one of the Canary hard-nuts by the name of Bernie Patterson or something which led to him uttering the catchphrase, "when Bernie tells you to charge, you fucking charge, or you'll get your head kicked in" He always was a fucking spaz.
  4. I have to confess, I can't take the Tony Tucker character portrayal seriously at all. Did the make-up artist also work on the Ronseal ads??
  5. Not really, Orders should be issued for special recognition and, as (R)Sol is a black, previously oppressed slave syndrome, has-been of a footballer who, now turns out to be a left-footed former footballist, there is nothing there to make him stand out from the crowd of other 'woe-is-me' cunts.
  6. The mental twat seems to have forgotten about that issue in 2006 when he fucked off out of a game and the stadium at half time disappearing up his own arse for four days. They don't award honours for being a few sandwiches short of a picnic while your halfway into it.
  7. I suggest you search through the corner archives for a nom. about roundabouts. It's a fucking laugh-a-second classic. Admittedly, it's gone rapidly downhill since he hit this peak.
  8. Elgin was told he could have them as payment for driving 'scrotes great great great great grandad (aka the French) out of Egypt. Talk about renege on a deal.
  9. The Thunberg mantra is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Now, as this was in the US of A it goes without saying it's a fucking almost vertical uphill struggle to get those fat cunts to Reduce the size of each voluminous, over-stuffed, McDonalds corpse arriving at the crem, so this Dr Crippen acting Rizzo from Grease look-a-like did the next best thing and tried to find a new use for the spare parts - why the fuck burn something that can still be reused?
  10. Exactly, who's going to fuck around buying the right snow plough and then wait an age for there to be enough snow where you can use the thing prior to running yourself over with it?, when you can produce a similar result with a black bin-liner, a length of electric flex and an orange.
  11. as the incident occurred in America / Canada I believe the machinery involved was actually a snowplow. Fuck knows if there's any difference but, to add to my disappointment the cunt has now posted selfie of himself from his hospital bed....,with a pair of fucking spectacles on!!! Hawkeye, my arse, the be-spectacled four-eyed cunt.
  12. ...and....., as if on CUE, up pops a filthy gyppo with a stolen joke.
  13. The crest design wasn't big enough for the 'iality' then?
  14. For you?, a sausage dog for obvious reasons.
  15. Don't order the Prawn flavoured Sourdough Toast, made from the munters fanny yeast - no additional shellfish flavours required.
  16. I think the 'O' in the name stands for Obese.
  17. ....and, as if by magic, four out of the five appear! Lol. Suckers.
  18. Claire's son and Angela's uncle, the odious Jay Rayner cunt. A critic that has not produced a single iota of substance where somebody can give this opinionated fucking waste of space a taste of his own medicine. Myself, I only provide critique where I know I can do a lot better. That's why certain posters on here get my opinion on a regular basis - you know who you are, cunts.
  19. May I remind you what you said to me earlier,........."before submitting the most archetypically repeat bollox response" You must be throwing boomerangs from that glass House of yours. Fuck off
  20. As a companion to the highly successful annual CC Dead Pool perhaps we should have Nonce Pool where members guess how many days we get into the new year before a member accuses another member of being a nonce. Perhaps we can do better than 2 days next year? Well done Eddie.
  21. FFS Woofter, or should I say poofter?, your faux admiration for Dickless is making me vomit. Why don't you just offer to pull down his pants and kiss his bell-end?
  22. I did a COVID test yesterday and it's showing a line that's thicker and darker than Eddie. Happy fucking new year!
  23. Interesting. I've 'deceided' that you're a fucking moron.
  24. Playing other men's trombones? You filthy oirish cunt.
  25. Misuse of punctuation and was meant to be a question. well done?
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