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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Who really gives a fuck anyhow? She was Australian so it's a sure bet criminality runs in the family albeit several generations ago. Justice is finally served in my opinion, rather than just sending your ancestors on a prolonged holiday. You fuckhead.
  2. Careful @Old Chap Raasclaat, this looks like grooming. He'll be asking for a suck on your cock next.
  3. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    I bet Frank's creaming his pants at another search for Madeleine McCann. Has snyone ever considered that she is still alive and it was her choice not to be found by a couple of fucking halfwit despicable parents that were more worried about having burger and chips in the restaurant than looking after their offspring.
  4. And you could choose to identify as Normal. Do you now understand the concept of identifying as something you are clearly not? Thick cunt.
  5. I beg to differ, one is just a big bell-end and the other is just............... Fuck off you boring cunt.
  6. The gay remastered version, no doubt. Is Frank there?
  7. I'm going, but then again I do identify as black...(even though I'm whiter than a Leslie Crowther Daz doorstep challenge) but the key thing is, I'm free to identify however I chose, it's the modern way - apparently. See you there @Eddie, you black bastard
  8. Yes, have you heard of them? You're excused if you haven't as they like to keep a very low profile.
  9. I see the ginger, half-caste shagging, woe-is-me tosser of a royal reject is up to his bullshitting ways again. A 2 hour high speed chase in New York is as likely as being able to maintain an average speed of at least 50mph around the M25. Well, at least you got some publicity from all this, which is exactly what you DIDN'T want, or was it??
  10. You don't see many black weather forecasters do you Eric, I wonder why that is?
  11. Good question, well put. However, for a quicker response I would ask you, 'What the fuck is right with you?' Stupid cunt.
  12. I see the UK entry has excelled again, what we fucking need is to work on a previous winning formula but with a modern twist which makes it look like that any cuntry who doesn't give us top marks is a bigoted cunt. A foursome of Sam Smith lookalikes called the Themerhood of Them should be a sure fire winner.
  13. Oh well done, you boringly predictable twat, you've learnt a new word after I typed it. Did you have to use a dictionary to understand its meaning? You're about as useful as the toilet brush in a disabled toilet.
  14. You bunch of useless fucking cunts, I abstain from posting for a period and the spelling goes to shit. It's Meghan with an 'H', have some respect for the stupid black bitch FFS.
  15. Well I don't know about anyone else but I'm hoping that Liverpool can break their previous record of 96 when this fucking shitfest takes place.
  16. Is Bridgerton a sequel to Rise of The Plant of the Apes?
  17. Blackcurrant jam, maybe.
  18. Could it be because even Roops thinks you're a fucking idiot.
  19. You tell me, you're obviously the expert. And yes, it was a trap. Sucker.
  20. Would that be burning through wanking over beastiality porn or consuming with a KFC Bargain Trough?
  21. Not even washing water or teeth cleaning water then?, that will mean @Witheredscroteand his ilk will smell slightly more pungent then they normally do. Dirty French cunts.
  22. It's plain you're a fucking idiot, read it again or is this your Stevie Wonder impression.
  23. The cartoon helicopter that some ginger tart (not Roops) wrote.
  24. It wouldn't surprise me if he's got a tattoo of Budgie.
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