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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You're not an amateur, you're a pro. Filthy bitch.
  2. Be under no illusions, I only tolerate your existence because you seem to rattle Dickless.
  3. Yes, I'm pretty sure that point was covered in my response, 8 fucking hours ago!! Denser than Osmium cunt.
  4. What a stupid cunt I am. Obviously I meant council employee.
  5. I'll wait an extra hour before I put my call out to the air ambulance tonight, only this time it'll be for a middle aged council worker getting swept out to sea at Caistor while pretending to bum his inflatable unicorn.
  6. First world problems eh!, I look like the gorilla from Mario Kart when I'm driving my '55 300slr
  7. If they win, any guesses which one will be the first to jump on the corporate advertising gravy train and, more importantly what product will be advertised?
  8. There's only one King (two if you count Elvis) and that's the Yin to the ginger slags Yan, the publisher of the Walter Mitty Concise Encyclopedia, KingBilly. And his teeth have got more heavy metals than the crown on his head.
  9. 'On your way to work' I'm guessing you're either a retail slave or you wear a dress and have an unhealthy interest in church choir members.....,and members thereof. Lol. Fuck off.
  10. Talking of strongmen @Eric Cuntman, have you seen how much of a 'right tit' that Hathor Julius Bjornsson looks now........, mainly due to the fact he ripped his left on off the bone trying to find the end of the sellotape or something, so I've heard.
  11. Geoff was a strange one, the only birds he fancied were budgies.
  12. Where's a fucking iceberg when you need one?
  13. I bet you'd be the first NCFC supporter to be caught wanking over Justin's statute making it look as if it had been inhabited by a family of pigeons with severe diarrhea.
  14. I very much fucking doubt it as i imagine you hear this or something quite similar from friends, family and anyone else who knows you.
  15. I don't expect you to come out as some sort of closet feminist @camberwell gypsy but FFS, show some support for them, after all, you have a clam bucket too, just like them. Admittedly, yours probably smells like Farmfoods clams that were defrosted 3 weeks ago.
  16. Manchester Utd fan if I correctly remember what he was trying to watch on his telly - so not all bad news when the cunt dropped off the roof. I would say it was a pity he didn't have Emu with him but then Emu's can't fucking fly anyhow...., very much like him it turns out.
  17. If you hadn't mentioned it I don't think I would have noticed it myself however, looking back at his contributions I can see your point. I'm going to give him the benefit of doubt and simply assume he has been the unfortunate victim of a failed medical trial for abortion medication. Poor cunt.
  18. As a fellow woman(?) what do you reckon the motivation for her crimes was? I'm thinking she suffered severe PMT and just wanted to take her frustration out on something - actually I've met quite a few women that go psycho every 28 days like fucking clockwork but a swift kick to the cunt seems to snap them out of it.
  19. I will enjoy the game but not as much as a game between Sweden and the Netherlands, their players at least looked like women worthy of discharging some fluids over.
  20. And this year's award (and the previous 4 years) for the most critical poster of other members' posts without lending anything substantive or even mildly amusing to anything...........ever, goes to......
  21. I wonder if he also forgets to clean his teeth with Autosol rather than Colegate?
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