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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Dave Umbongo

    Kasim Khuram

    Isn't this a victimless crime? Or would the Co-op be the victim as he broke in? Or perhaps he just likes his girlfriends to smell of Eau - De - formaldehyde
  2. What's got you all in a spin? Are you still pissed because helicopters aren't allowed near Leicester yet.
  3. If ever a head was given the wrong body then I guess Beth wins hands down. I'd do her from behind mind you but only if there were no mirrors around.
  4. Enjoying a nice quiet cup of coffee in the Virgin Lounge in Norwich when in walks a group of 4 who all have hot chocolates which they incessantly stir for a prolonged period (in reality about 45 seconds, about 35 seconds too long IMO) but they seem intent on making as much rattling of stainless on china as their limp faggoty wrists can muster. Not content with stirring the beverage before drinking they then have to stir again, and again, and again before every fucking sip. Bunch of fucking cunts who are more or less saying to everyone, 'oi! Look at us'. Cunts! Do you think anyone would notice cyanide crystals in hot chocolate powder?
  5. What do you expect then? A reverse burden of proof as that required by the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act. With the amount of false accusations in the past, that isn't going to end well.
  6. Theres no charges for sexual descrimination so presumably it was both women and men that were victims. Do you have some sympathy for him now Punky?
  7. A 'pilot' 'navigates' a boat he doesn't drive it. Ask Fwank, he knows all about boats ............and burying ex-girlfriends at sea.
  8. Dave Umbongo

    Dion Dublin

    Homes under the hammer??!! Fucking shit one-sided programme that portrays the lucky spuds that have made a few quid. What about the ones that aren't so lucky and end up losing money big style, followed by a messy divorce and then killing themselves in despair after ending up in the local YMCA. I think I'd consider watching it then. ps. I've got some special linctus for Lucy Alexanders throat as she always sounds a bit hoarse.
  9. Dave Umbongo

    Dion Dublin

    Racist cow! He's not Chinese you know.
  10. Dave Umbongo

    Gigi Wu

    One minor observation. Other than the fact the two photos offered don't show any tits they also don't appear to be selfies. Yet another made up story from the Bishop of Bullshit.
  11. Eric, are you a retired old bastard that thinks any change is evil? Just asking.
  12. No offence but, i really hope it catches fire at night and spreads to your house when you're fast asleep. Have a nice day.
  13. If you got the ugliest hippos arse you had ever seen, and slapped some fake tan on it, put it in a pair of skates and a blindfold on it and then let it loose in a paint factory. Well thats what Gemma Collins looks like on that Dancing on Ice shit tonight. #fuckingrepulsiveslag
  14. She is one fucking useless waste of carbon. I would prefer to stick my cock up Punkapes capacious ring than sling one up this fat munter. That's how much she despises me. I hope she slips on some of her own fresh vom and breaks her fucking neck.
  15. Didn't Ming like the odd wild mushroom? You Dennis Nilsen sounding cunt.
  16. Sounds reasonable to me. We ought to get somebody trustworthy and competent to look into it. Dr Gillian McKeith sounds ideal. Fucking load of bollox and fuck off Flemmy.
  17. Did you leave the dead prostitute in the boot? I find it limits your potential buyers.
  18. I'm afraid you confirmed the level of their IQ when you said they drive a Rover, and you definitely confirmed they are bunch of brainless fuckwits when you said they work with you at the garbage depot. Have you been pulled by the pigs during your commute with potential terrorists?
  19. Don't forget getting a blow job from a dead pigs head.
  20. I emulated the film BEFORE going to see it and I must say it was uneventful and dark in my blindfold.
  21. The one and only time I played on one of these FOBT was when I went to put my Irish Lottery bet on at the bookies and they had one free £2 play as a promotion. Three minutes later I'm £30 up, take winnings never to touch the fucking things again. I prefer bets where there is an actual element of uncertainty of whether you'll win or lose plus, I'm not a fucking idiot.
  22. Mr & Mrs Decimus of Caister are locally referred to as the title of this nom. What a coincidence!
  23. Fucking ace. Does it mention anything about road closures and cycle routes fucking up the transport system in the 16th century?
  24. Then why not let him have access to your front garden. It might just distract his attention from fiddling with his chopper and playing kids computer games.
  25. Well all this jibba jabba about cooking techniques has convinced me you're definitely a raving, shitty starfish stabber. We've got a bit of a he/she on another nom. who cant stop talking about motorbikes and X-box that probably has a bigger cock than you Punky.
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