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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Don't mention it, arse banditry chopper modeller
  2. I'd rather have a fucking Nissan anyhow. Honda are okay for bikes but they're frankly quite mediocre on the car front. Nip off back to Japland.
  3. It's the only balls they can touch.
  4. Well, I am going to take the opportunity to call you a wanker now before it happens. No offence intended, Neil.
  5. Make the fucking thing out of plastic. According to Sky News and every other limp wristed tree hugger there's more than enough to suit Trumps requirements.
  6. This Findlay character sounds as if he possesses the exact requirements to become the next Labour party chancellor of the exchecquer. Stealing money from the hand that's fed and clothed him.
  7. No, so fuck off. Only British noms. here you stupid cunt.
  8. At the despair of popping you out?
  9. I can understand the front door key and the car key so you can tow the thing but, do they really put back doors on caravans?
  10. I'll decline if it's all the same to you. You see, its not really my thing and besides i cant stand the taste of sheep shit you fucking valley boy.
  11. To quote a well known phrase, "it takes one, to know one"
  12. He supports Corbyns Labour, of course he's not honest.
  13. Did you get to the money saving tip involving turning condoms inside out?
  14. You thick fucking bog dweller. It's only myself and Neil that demonstrates there is at least some intelligence in Norfolk.
  15. Dave Umbongo

    Liam Neeson

    You're not a SpanzyPacker personal trainer type?
  16. Dave Umbongo

    Liam Neeson

    What fucking idiot goes on CuntsCorner using a work computer. I come out in a cold fucking sweat just checking my 'Like to Post' ratio on a public library computer and I'm expecting my membership card to be (quietly) taken away any day now.
  17. Dave Umbongo

    Liam Neeson

    John Barnes has come out in support of Neeson. What better endorsement do you need? (At least thats what the interviewer thinks he said as he talks so fucking quick, who knows)
  18. I think you're confusing the fact that he has the charisma of an Irish potato, although the webbed hands and feet would have come in handy getting across the irish sea.
  19. Dave Umbongo

    Liam Neeson

    A fucking Mick wanting to kill someone! Where's the revelation in that?
  20. I thought that too. A bit too detailed to be imagined so Is there anything you wish to share Dickless?
  21. He did like boats, very much like our Fwankie, however I think he's a bit apprehensive of them now for some reason,.....oh yes, and he has the facial features of an expired Yankee Candle.
  22. Has this any relevance to Caitlyn Jenners appearance on Through the Keyhole. I don't even think Kasim Khuram would shag it and to be totally honest I think I would prefer to get a blowie from Gemma Collins.
  23. To put a little context of how despised this fat munter is, i dont even think Kasim Kharum would shag her.
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