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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Reported. For being a brown nose and trying to get into RickBs' skiddy pants. Lol. Pleb. Peasant. Serf.
  2. You seem to be getting cider mixed up with wine you fucking spaz. Treat yourself to a nice glass of red or rose cider you wankstain.
  3. A genuine mistake. Honest, or do I sound like Wayne Hennesey?
  4. I love dogs......just like any other Korean.
  5. Well when he gives up football I'm sure a political career will be his next move as he appears to possess the prerequisite skill of lying like a right cunt.
  6. The other potential silver lining in this is the UK may be out of Europe by the time the lazy arse French get round to rebuilding and therefore won't be expected to cough up any Euros.
  7. I thought sickle cell anaemia was created by us white folk in a lab.
  8. A very good point. But with some activities you anticipate picking up injuries now and again (I imagine friction burns is a regular hazard in your hobby Neil) but, I can't think of too many sports that leave you with a career ending injury after "landing on your feet!", so to speak.
  9. Getting things a bit wrong is always a bit of a cunt but spare a thought for this unfortunate girl. Samantha Cerio if you want to Google.
  10. I do exclusively limit my sexual activities to just birds, but not the avian variety. I wonder if Australian rugby players think geese fiddlers are also destined to go to hell?
  11. Fucking dopey beast! Racist! Fucking racist??! What about sexist, you stupid cunt. I wanted to buy chocolate drakes, not fucking ducks.
  12. A Yugo Sana only because it sounds like some sort of piss-wick for an elderly (incontinent) fish wife of a boring old hag.
  13. I would put money on Neil's car as being either a Mini MAYFAIR, a Ford FIESTA, a Ford ESCORT or any other vehicle named after a well known grot mag.
  14. You imagine??! I bet you fucking do.
  15. Your choice of cars indicate you are quite old........and obviously have a miniscule cock.
  16. Everyone knows about your retarded intellect and the fact you were nearly 18 before you attempted the 11plus. Fuck off. ps. Did you pass? I'm guessing not. U Fik Kunt.
  17. And plenty of room for a mattress in the back for the, so called, fitness instructor and the morbidly obese students.
  18. I have a Mk3 MR2 roadster as a summer vehicle. Before I got this I momentarily considered the Smart car but it reminded me too much of the Ford StreetKa - definitely a raving poofs car, second only to the Nissan Micra convertible.
  19. So, she's more or less saying she doesn't make rational decisions herself and pretty much has the intelligence of a Lemming. I wonder how long it will be before she's on the Irish version of Mastermind, eh Pansy?
  20. I really don't think you're in a position to be criticising somebody else looks now, are you? Do you want some more stones for your greenhouse?
  21. Dave Umbongo


    How the fuck would you kill a rhino, something that weighs at least a ton, with a spear?, which is effectively a broom handle with a pointy end. The story doesn't say if it was a black or a white rhino so there maybe a bit more to it if racism is suspected.
  22. Very true. And in reality if i was faced against one of these whilst out and about, a swift kick to the balls would render them helpless whatever their weight. However, I wouldn't have a clue what to do if a eunuch like yourself approached.
  23. I knew some bloke who had to put Herbie on his arse when he strutted into the fish and chip shop on Silver Road giving it the 'big I am'. He battered him.
  24. 12 stone??!! Fucking hell. I reckon (the) Pen would even knock you out before literally pissing over your lifeless skeletal body.
  25. I'm surprised that nobody's bought a case against sickle cell anaemia for its racist attitude. It always seems to target the Pantone 7547 C ones.
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