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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. The start of the solution is recognising the problem, and I see you do refer to it as exactly what it is. STEALING. Did you vote Leave, by any chance? Best not to fill your water bottle from the font when you're forgiving your sins at church this morning. That's stealing too even under the guise of religion. Can I enquire as to whether you are extremely rattled?
  2. That's all we fucking need. A load of Premier League irons descending on the City next year when we've got enough fat, gay chavvy scum already.
  3. When are you going to nom. 'thick cunts who nominate the same thing twice' ?
  4. Generally they're the same stupid cunts that don't consider that switching off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, location, Mobile data and turning the volume & brightness down a tad may just give them enough power to perform the vital task of updating their FaecesBook profile. But what really gets my blood boiling are the cunts that carry their chargers with them and think it's their right to plug it into any vacant socket in the Wetherspoons. Cheeky fucking wankers.
  5. Dave Umbongo


    He was smoking a 'trombone'. Now leave the queerboy, mincer alone.
  6. On the contrary, I think both of them will enjoy it very much having known them for over 4 years.
  7. Punkape is all in favour of vaccination and he's ready and waiting to inject his little prick into any willing volunteers.
  8. £10 for a fucking scratch card! That would buy nearly 2 pints of Spick lager in a Norwich gay bar.
  9. Ha! You fell right into my Bumder trap there, I knew it was a fucking gay bar.
  10. I know, and I really don't need to hear it from other people such as yourself as it is almost always tinged with a hint of jealousy. Set your goals lower Ape, and then you won't be so disappointed.
  11. I still wouldn't pay £5.80 a pint, not even in a normal pub let alone a gay bar.
  12. You can tell the working class snobs as they drive the 5 year old+ Range Rovers, Merc's and X5's and either live in a shit pit on a social housing estate or are mortgaged and loaned to the max. Myself, I paid my mortgage off 13 years ago at the age of 36, my main car is a 12 year old Toyota Yaris and I wear trainers with holes in because they're comfy. Working class snobs can eat my shit.
  13. Dave Umbongo

    100 not out!

    What do you reckon the chances are that those extra 100 that died were also resident in Grenfell Tower when it caught fire. Kerrching!
  14. You are not the sharpest star in the sky are you. Fuck off.
  15. I see the irony of my comment was truly wasted on somebody of low intellect like yourself. Those polystyrene cement fumes must be really potent!
  16. You do realise these cans cost £2 each as Abbott was given £2 change from her £5 note which is quite expensive for 200ml because if she had bought 3 more she would have a whole litre. Here endeth today's maths lesson.
  17. I quite like frozen food especially ice cream or if I'm feeling a bit full, a nice lemon sorbet as a dessert. To eat it any other way, I.e warmed through, is frankly a bit gay.
  18. Have you ever heard a cardboard box being rattled? Yet another fickism from our local Thicktard. Rattled?
  19. Ohhhh, thanks Ape. That means a lot coming from you. Is it Humble Pie with your beans tonight?. Lol.
  20. Isn't this like saying that 'ice is a bit cold' or 'lava is a bit hot'? You are thick. Fuck off
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