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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. If he's been out of town today he's probably drinking overpriced pints of Spanish dishwater in the nearest gay bar to Norwich train station.....again.
  2. Och aye! What you looking at Willis?
  3. Here it is, the ginger negro.
  4. Have you not read any of the previous posts you thick twat? I would get some other mug to give him a good pasting.
  5. I once hit a bloke so hard the pillow burst. I'm well hard, me.
  6. Dave Umbongo

    Bus Wankers

    Do you mean you were smoking dope behind Barclays rather than watching a bunch of irons. If not, you're no longer top cuntess on here.
  7. My dad could beat up your dad. Neh, neh, neh, neh, neh! Fucking playground Bullshit. I think it's widely recognised nowadays that the most powerful blokes don't even get their hands dirty.
  8. Telephone exchange?? Is that like one of those Mazuma Mobile warehouses where you trade up your i-phones? How ancient are you?
  9. Dave Umbongo

    Bus Wankers

    And if you were really up to date with the current affairs of Narridge you would know why the bus broke down. Apparently First is renewing their buses in other areas and relocating their 17+year old stock to our fine city. Stupid cunt.
  10. If the cunt had any sense he would change his name by deed poll if it's going to get him associated as a bit of a cunt, and I can't really blame anyone as Judd is quite similar to Judge!
  11. Would you be a pitcher or a catcher with these?
  12. I'm all for the biological facts of life where you can't create a sprog from same sex partnerships, and I'm a big proponent of same sex marriage........ but only if it means they cannot reproduce and infect the human race with their warped view. Ultimately the infectious disease of gayness will be bred out of the gene pool. That said I would always permit a few lesbians - for entertainment purposes only, you understand.
  13. Dave Umbongo


    Danger wanks.
  14. Dave Umbongo


    Just record the numbers in a little notebook.
  15. Dave Umbongo


    Well done Kuntry. You've just knocked Ape off of the top spot for the most boring hobby on Cunts Corner. Unfortunately it also means The Guard is relegated to 3rd with Trainspotting.
  16. Welcome to the corner. May I say what a pleasant surprise it is to have a new member with your level of intelligence and wit, just like the previous 20 or so new members. Don't Panic! Drink Bleach!
  17. Reading between the lines here, I've come to the conclusion you're not overly fond of Harry
  18. The next one should be Cyclone Gash followed by Cyclone Hymen. (Couldn't fucking think of anything for 'I')
  19. Ape. Your current MO seems to be to provide critique to every other posters comments without producing any original rapport yourself. Up your game Sonny or fuck off.
  20. Your keyboard seems to be playing up again as it doesn't appear to have typed the pretext of "hello, my name is Frank and I'm a big fucking...."
  21. Yes. But alas The Glasshouse is the only 'spoons that's suitable for a flid like me. The Bell has got more stairs than a fucking lighthouse and The Queen of Iceni has more raised platforms than a 70's glam rock band. At least they don't seem to attract the poofs. What's your favourite drinking hole at the moment, apart from The Castle, obviously.
  22. A quick check of the 'victims'(?) Grindr history and the photos on their mobile phone should ensure justice is delivered. (Admissable as evidence in court now, apparently)
  23. ... and, this might be awkward for people like Punkape, don't stab the cunts in the back, with a knife or any other object, as it demonstrates they were trying to escape (not trying to lower themselves onto your erect cock, you peculiar fellow) Lol. Fuck off. Pleb
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