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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. And 'Virgin' (airlines) written all over it.
  2. Dear Noel Edmunds, How the fuck do I get out of this one? Love, Jeremy. x
  3. Finally, A gyppo with a crystal ball that fucking works.
  4. These women, are prime domestic abuse candidates in my opinion. Get a good fucking slap off some fella and then go back for more. Graham should be waiting backstage to give them therapy while ogling their tits through his Bono specs.
  5. So the oldest professional model criticises people for wearing jeans to the theatre and says 'women should look in the mirror more'. Well, all I can say is, women can always change their jeans whereas your wrinkled skin is there to stay you jealous old sow. And the reason you made a living just standing around like a clothes horse being photographed is nobody's the least bit interested in what you've got to say.
  6. Dave Umbongo


    May I be the first to point out, CONFLICT OF INTEREST!
  7. Dave Umbongo


    Welcome to the corner Get Fucked. I mean, welcome to the corner. Get fucked!
  8. Dave Umbongo


    Beanz Meanz Rattled.
  9. Dave Umbongo


    Some of their items are okay. I've never tried their beans though, perhaps another poster can provide an opinion.
  10. Dave Umbongo


    Kan eye have Edukashun Sekreterry?
  11. Dave Umbongo

    Salt Bae

    Yes I do. And foreigners, they're cunts too.
  12. You started really well as I was thinking this was going to be about the conversion from B&W customers to coloured customers. I can safely say that all my friends are coloured if that's any consolation.
  13. Dave Umbongo

    Salt Bae

    A rather niche nom. Neil but, aren't all Turks cunts?
  14. Did your nan pass away in 1978?
  15. Jimmy? (Bell Boy!, Bell Boy!)
  16. Congratulations. On getting 'old' and 'new' together in the same sentence so no fucker knows what you're on about.
  17. Well you can't get a more hermaphroditic name than Kerry. Has she got big hands to hold the big glass of merlot (at £9.99 I would expect a bottles worth)
  18. Reported for getting rattled.
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