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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    Did they have a butler during their holiday? If so, i reckon it was the butler, in the library or something with a candlestick. Do i win £300k?
  2. You mean she was trying to rape a bloke? as it is somewhat hard to imagine it being the other way around.
  3. Steady on Glowworm. I bet you're no oil painting either but Neil probably would. (Presumably you have an orifice somewhere)
  4. So I barely stagger home from the gay bar with my carry out and a portion of chips with battered sausage and pineapple rings from stavros and i see this pile of shit etc..etc.. Whoops, accidently selected the Judgetwi spellchecker. It is a pile of shit though.
  5. I thought Bubba was grown from the genetically modified DNA of Ruth Madoc and Neil Kinnock.
  6. Dave Umbongo

    Marcus Ball

    I'd chuck a milk shake lactated from Katana Keefs moobs over the slimey cunt.
  7. Dave Umbongo

    Marcus Ball

    What for? Spending crowdfunded money on self defence classes and cup cakes? Try putting a little more 'meat on the bone' for your next nom., you fucking Spaztard. By the way, welcome to the corner.
  8. Change the record Walter.
  9. I am often quite amused by some of Cuntmans contributions to the site whereas the only thing you've posted that made me laugh was your apparent gay fetish for creme pedal bins.
  10. Somebody should tell Fwank that Nicky never played as No. 3, so his replica shirt with '3 - Butt' emblazoned across the back isn't a very good replica..........oh, hang on, i see what he's saying now.
  11. Fuck off cunt! Who are you anyhow?
  12. Back on topic. I was taking lunch in the centre of Norwich today (Sun was out and about 18°) when along comes this young twat wearing normal office attire from the waist up but paired it with half mast, skinny trousers, no socks and a patent burgundy pair of loafers complete with tassels on the top. I was tempted to shout "Frank" at the dozy cunt to get him to turn around.
  13. Drown your sorrows on a few pints of €6 Eye-Tye lager in the nearest gay bar like you usually do when travelling.
  14. Alphabetti spaghetti for tea tonight Fwank?
  15. Ahhh, the days of strawberry FLAVOURED yoghurt and not strawberry flavour thanks to a load European E-numbers. C'mon Nige, give us our fucking Brexit.
  16. Have you ever sneezed whilst eating spaghetti? Some always comes out of your nose but it's still edible once you remove the hairs.
  17. I wonder what the stats look like for what percentage of people who would vote either conservative or Labour in a general election but voted for the Brexit Party in the euros. I know a lot of conservative voters voted for the Brexit Party as evidenced by their own piss poor result.
  18. I've never seen one sneeze but I've made one or two fart in the past, and I believe a more polite slang descriptive would be 'fanny'.
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