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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Aren't they quite heavy when you're running away?
  2. What did this doddery old fucker want with a powerful air rifle anyhow? What the fuck do you actually use one for in suburbia? Hopefully he'll get glass shards in his porridge and die a painful death inside.
  3. Don't fucking beat around the bush Billy, has something upset you?
  4. Purely on the quality of your posts thus far, Donald??
  5. You'd shag Nadia Popov, you would. And I bet it would be like separating deck chairs that had the fabric replaced with a well used chamois leather. In other words fucking disgusting.
  6. Apart from the fact it starts with an 'X', not bad. Well, it's in the right area of the alphabet. Must try harder 6/10.
  7. Prehaps they'd be happier if the piggy bank was substituted with this rather impressive creation.
  8. When I was younger I was unfortunate enough to have to find amusement playing this shit. Racism at its best.
  9. Is that code for "embarrassed about my micro penis"?
  10. I reckon everyone would be in favour of a statue but in order not to offend anyone it would have to be entirely featureless where his cock and balls should be. Actually I'm surprised nobody's complained about the fact the manager is male. How many female managers are there in the men's domestic leagues??
  11. Including her husband's erect cock????
  12. Peter Adamson, you fucking idiot. You were right about the digit though.
  13. TBH I couldn't give a fuck what her feet looks like if she let me slot my love missile up the wrong 'un.
  14. Dave Umbongo


    Yes. Thankfully just a woman's fad.........so far. Fucking pom poms on the top of a shoe? What fucking half breed thought that was a fashion statement.
  15. Have they tried seeing if Hillsborough is haunted. Potentially there's 96 episodes just in that one location.
  16. Ha! Even thicker cunt. Oh, the irony. What do you want to be when you grow up sonny? A disabled toilet or something.
  17. Pity her dad didn't actually use any Johnnies then the hermaphrodite would never have been spawned.
  18. I fucking hate her and I don't really know why. She just appears to me to be a fat, useless, talentless bint that miraculously appears on shit daytime TV generally shouting like Jabba the Hut on speed.
  19. We do seem to be accumulating more than our fair share of Eastern European vagrant cunts at the moment. What you need to do is, instead of mincing around Norwich looking like Frank's effeminate brother, is to strut around with a look that says i'll bite your fucking face off if you so much as look in my direction let alone ask if i have any change.
  20. They behaved exactly the same way in another game they played approximately 28 days ago. Hmmmm...I wonder why that is?
  21. These 2 cunts would have probably done something like this sooner or later anyhow but I can only say that Mrs Bulger didn't exactly make it difficult for somebody to "snatch" him. I knew exactly where my kids were when they were two as I didn't take my eyes off them in a public place, especially not anywhere near fucking Liverpool. Just saying.
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