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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I agree, most of the cunts that purport to suffer from this are in reality ADD sufferers as there's definitely no sign of them being remotely active, let alone hyper-active. Lazy fucking feckless scroungers.
  2. It would have to be a three for one offer you thick cunt unless you just wanted one tit and your arse. I bet you would do the right one as well, you right tit.
  3. What I want to fucking know is, even our media knows the exact number of the cunts that drown when things go wrong, or right depending on your viewpoint. But our own government can't tell you how many of the cunts actually arrive on our shores. Why do you think that is??
  4. Yes, but that's four less doctors we will have helping us reduce the NHS waiting lists.
  5. There's always foreigners like Eddie in there, and it smells.
  6. Fuck off. It's because I buy my 8Ace from a 24/7 and I didn't have a clue what the fucking numbers meant until I started using the 24 hour clock.
  7. Your missus could make one for you using the skin from the thumb..............of Jeremy Beadles hand. Lol
  8. Those plastic toy helicopters aren't going to assemble themselves while you're posting on here.
  9. I bet she is, does she help you make the skin suits like a Fred and Rose meets Wild Bill psychopath team? Oh, and when you say missus I'm assuming you mean @Ape™️ the manner in which you like each others posts, I thought assembling Airfix toys using his own jizz was his only hobby.
  10. That fucking pot must be constructed from dark matter - black isn't black enough for you, of all people, to throw critique like that about. You thick, useless, irrelevant wanker.
  11. I avoid the fucking shit-hole. It was alright about 20+ years ago before the large Co-Op and surrounding housing development arrived. A good mate used to live in Forge Close opposite the church - his neighbour was that mouthy, ugly cunt that kicked a ball around for Norridge Shitty, Robert Fleck.
  12. Wind your fucking hirsute neck in and contribute to the subject matter rather than attempting to be Ape MkII and attack other posters without offering any contribution or value to the site. Have a fucking day off.
  13. Fuck off you Gay cunt, and a happy new year.
  14. No, I'm just considered a competent professional when it comes to things beyond my area of expertise.
  15. I'm a fair landlord so I like to charge affordable rent (that's 80% of market value, if you didn't know) and therefore the profit won't keep me in the lifestyle I deserve i.e I want to carry on drinking Rekorderlig cider, not Woodpecker. That said, I have raised the rent recently so I've given myself the option of doing nothing.
  16. Funny you should ask, but no. The stupid fucking employers agreed to 'pay in lieu of notice' so they're paying me to do fuck all until 23rd January. I should have a job offer by then as I'm considered a bit of an expert in my field of expertise and believe it or not, I'm a chartered professional.
  17. With a 28-day egg?
  18. The only time I want to see lead pipe and @Ape™️ in the same sentence is when somebody has carried out a real-life enactment of Cluedo and caved his fucking skull in.
  19. The reason Blockbusters went bust was because more people owned cats that needed rescuing from trees by fireman, so they didn't get as much time sitting around on their arses watching movies.
  20. Absolutely untrustworthy pile of shit government with this cunt at the helm. Who do you think was Director of Public Prosecutions when all the sub-postmasters were being taken to court and prosecuted without evidence. Sir Queer Starmer was a significant enabler in this massive miscarriage of justice and Sir James was allowed to carry on fiddling with flids.
  21. I would imagine that if you performed the same stunt you would have stuck to the roof like an extra strong plunger soaked in gorilla glue thanks to your capacious over-stretched arsehole.
  22. Did he offer to examine your prostate in the next secluded lay-by?
  23. You've got to be cruel to be kind. The stupid fucking bint couldn't make sandwiches so he showed her a knuckle one.
  24. Not before I sort you out. Do you want to try spilling my pint and see where it gets you?
  25. How much??? You do realise that however much you spend on the TV it isn't going to improve the enjoyment of you watching the men on Naked Attraction while you spaff your ectoplasm over the remote.
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