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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I am sure that there are some members of the National Front, and groups with similar extreme views, who are gay. I'll give a days supply of likes to the poster of the best 'pride' swastika - just to maintain the equality that the LGBTN-B community craves.
  2. Victoria Beckham would probably think Frank's legs are just too skinny. The only person I know who would make lycra leggings look like flares in fact they look so weak and feeble I imagine he sits down to piss.
  3. Second worst., Second worst Francis. People in glass houses and all that you fucking Schmiegel in beige slacks, twiglet legged cunt.
  4. Well as Mike Myers is actually British himself, I thought it was a very good parody.
  5. I don't mean to rain on your parade Salty but we say 'Honours' over this side of the pond. Just saying. You have a nice day now.
  6. Man???? You've seen the videos haven't you?
  7. I wonder if this place has an annual Pride event?
  8. Punkape's NOT offended by the highest point of Bodmin Moor, in fact he wants loads of them.
  9. Time to resurrect my campaign to get the double yellow lines removed from Norwich City centre because they offend the Chinks and Japs.
  10. I'm more surprised that she actually peeled the bananas before eating them.
  11. Ape's a bit shook up after he nearly wrote off his Thundersley Invacar 70.
  12. And there was me thinking it was something else beginning with B. If you really knew anything about this you would realise an 'Earl' ranks far higher than a Baronet and therefore is a bit irrelevant, much like yourself.
  13. .....or procreate, or drive cars or visit Salcombe.
  14. I've googled the aforementioned Mary Beard and the only logical conclusion I reached was that security were checking for any meat and two veg she might have stowed away in her own under carriage. What an odious looking thing.
  15. Oh dear. It wasn't my intention to get such an extreme response......and yes, you've got me. I can't stop myself prattling on about cocks & bottoms.
  16. I totally agree. I love watching 'Are You Being Served' and hearing Mollie Sugden as Mrs Slocombe talking about her pussy. However, I find it a bit sad & desperate when women today talk of their pussy, ginger or otherwise, if you know what I mean.
  17. 10 out of 10.........for consistently posting shit. Just exactly what is the cunt here?, because from what I can see, it's you. Fuck off.
  18. This fucking thing happens all the time in every industry. They ask some fucking more money than sense twat that doesn't have to worry about living on a budget, how to manage a business on a budget. I've seen several of these so called 'efficiency consultants' and not one of them has met expectations.
  19. I dunno. Practising for Christmas Eve? Did he have a beard and was the rest of his outfit red?
  20. You! This is apparently 'body positive' coach that labels herself as an 'intuitive eater' meaning she gorges her fat fucking gob on as much as anything she feels like. She's so positive about her image that she's moved to America so her size isn't as unusual. Fucking fuck off, you delusional slag.
  21. Each to their own Judge. But I honestly think I would rather have a dog take an actual shit in my Loakes than put them anywhere near Lady P(ee)'s cunt.
  22. I heard the geese went looking for the fox rather than live with a micro-penised, faux Frenchman.
  23. That's why I chose Monkey Boots. The tread on them was so deep and wide that it was almost impossible to scrape dog shit off the sole. Kicking her in the cunt until it came off might work.
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