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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. He's also got a massive fucking chip on his shoulder
  2. Just an observation but, in terms of performance this must be the worst nom. ever posted. Let me summarise, posted on 27 December 2019, one reply on 27 December 2019 (that was me. Oops!), then the next (2nd) reply on the 16 Fenruary 2020. To say the subject has not resonated with the other members would be a mild fucking understatement indeed. Now, with that evidence, up your fucking game FFS. With all due respect, CBB
  3. Fuck, you watch some shit. Quest Red is where you ought to be looking, more tits 'n ass than even you can handle, infact there's fucking tons of it - My 600lb Life.
  4. What did they do, forget to salt the fries or miss the pickled gherkin??
  5. And if you used cherryade instead of water it menstruated. Weird and sick!
  6. I think you're not a cunt as long as you wear your watch on your wrist and not on your ankle like that orange, halfwit cunt Joey (deakin) Essex. I also understand that he couldn't even tell the fucking time so there's no point for this Gormo to have a watch.
  7. Dave Umbongo

    Sajid Javid

    I beg to differ. It is neither 2 3/8" in diameter or, more remarkably, not brilliant white. I would say it bears a closer resemblance to the 4 point ball in snooker in colour but unfortunately you don't hit this one directly with a stick.
  8. The fat fucking ignorant slag reminds me of a younger Dianne Abbott. She should do humanity and the UK a favour and just succumb to sudden adult death syndrome. No offence intended.
  9. Exactly! You've only got to look and see how many golfers and model helicopter enthusiasts abstained from taking it up the bum-hole when AIDS was introduced to the UK. And anyhow, have you noticed that God seems to have a sense of humour because apparently Coronavirus is spread from the fucking chunk savages killing and eating pandolins. They even use the scales in traditional medicine, oh the irony. Well done Allah / God* *delete as appropriate.
  10. Presumably they all travelled to the Cairngorms in zero carbon transport otherwise it would be very disappointing if they used ICE vehicles or even flew up there. Fucking hypocritical BBC cunts.
  11. 'I know of vegetarians who don't eat meat but that doesn't stop them from wearing shoes' * *(Matron to Archer, circa 1979)
  12. I wouldn't dirty my hand. Last weeks sock with a snooker ball in it would be my weapon of choice.
  13. I would have considered giving his missus one a few years back. Not anymore though, there's probably shit deposits from Phil's cock in her minge.
  14. I can't really see the significance of a reddish coloured buffalo unless you mean a 'rogue' one.
  15. I bet she's regretting it now if Michael out-stays his welcome like his old man.
  16. Other toolkits are available, Mass Integration of Non-Gender Entities being one. This toolkit sits just below the TITS.
  17. Prehaps England should get the vote on Scottish independence. After this latest debacle I would quite happily annexe the Buckfast and haggis eating jocks. No offence to any non-paedo jocks.
  18. It doesn't end with parking spaces. Check out what one old cunt wants their neighbours to do in Winchester Tower in Norwich. I know it's an old cunt because Winchester Tower is the only 16 storey block in Norwich, and probably the world, that has a strict over 55's policy.
  19. I wouldn't ever have a drink with Decs, for a start The Castle doesn't have level access, that isn't the main reason I dont drink in his favourite watering hole though.
  20. Just fucking super glue his cone to the tarmac for him. That'll teach the cunt, unless he happens to be German then securing things by 'reserving' them with towels and other such possessions, for later use, is part of their genetic make up unfortunately
  21. I thought you would be soft on them as it is your year.
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