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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. This stupid fucking bitch gets nommed because she thinks it is acceptable to attack a pilot on his plane but more specifically for describing the Swiss airline staff as racist. The thick fucking slag probably doesn't even realise the racism in her comment by specifically identifying them as Swiss. This lovely example of a lady ( yeh, right), is black by the way. Although that should have nothing to do with it just as much as the cabin crew being Swiss. Obviously, like, well, she's a fucking thick bitch.
  2. Good point but not nearly as irritating as the regularity of the word 'like' whenever you hear anyone below the age of 25 trying to form sentences.
  3. I bet you loved talking about Uranus at your school. It wasn't catholic by any chance?
  4. Careful Mike, the resident aspergers, data monkey, Cuntybaws, will be able to pinpoint exactly where you live. The fact you can actually walk into a bank has narrowed it down to about 50 locations in the entire UK.
  5. Exactly. If the first one that was offered 'a deal' had said "No, you fat ugly cunt!" Harvey would have soon realised what he was doing was wrong, I know I did.
  6. Well, in that case, enjoy your lunch.
  7. Hasn't he already been self isolating in a closet for the last 40 odd years?
  8. Whilst making a rare and infrequent visit to Iceland this morning (their recent Coronavirus outbreak didn't put me off) to purchase some freezer items I found myself standing behind a female of the species (she couldn't be described as a lady or woman) who absolutely ponged of a combination of wet dog and mouldy newspapers. It was fucking disgusting and totally unnecessary when every other cunt is wearing a mask and bathing in alcohol gel. The lazy slag was getting her crispy pancakes, turkey dippers and cider delivered to her shit pit as well.
  9. The one's that knew the rules should be prosecuted, or subpoenaed if you're a fucking hybrid redneck yank, for prostitution.
  10. Biologically speaking, in terms of putting your cock in a bodily orifice. Is shit any more disgusting than what appears out of a fanny, you know, piss, occaisional bacteria infused discharge and a 28 day old blood egg.
  11. You wouldn't say that if it was 18kg of washing up or ironing. If you spend your time commenting on these posts there might be.
  12. If they have any grandchildren, let's hope some low life fucking drug pusher gets them hooked on coke. That'll learn 'em.
  13. Where's the closest caravan park to Madison Square Gardens?
  14. And I guess it's better to be pissed out of your brain on Rose wine if your missus is doing the housework naked because she hasn't got any clothes to wear.
  15. £1million quids worth of coke found in their suitcases and a previous conviction for 240kg in 2010. I hope they fucking die quickly for the misery they've inflicted on the UK smuggling drugs for no-hopers. OAP's are fucking selfish and greedy cunts nowadays.
  16. Dave Umbongo

    Sara cox

    She won't be interested in that sausage unless its coated in batter and offered to her with chips and gravy. Fucking Northerners, a new Hadrians Wall needs to be just South of Liverpool if you ask me.
  17. She's a Brown, of course this is going to be mentioned in the news, with the sensationalist and ever so slightly racist headline of "Brown actor forced to quit"
  18. Quite. A maybe swap the baton for a 12" dildo to wave around.
  19. You lucky cunt. Here in Norfolk we have to put up with useless interbred cunts who don't bother indicating at all - probably something to do with webbing getting caught on the indicator stork, or something.
  20. It would be like having an Austin Maxi parked in your drive which was fully functional but you didn't have the key to start it but you regularly put £30 of fuel in it every week, whilst driving around in a Dacia Duster that you also put £30 of fuel in. Any fucking right minded individual would get a key to get the British fucker working before importing foreign shit. Just saying.
  21. Sorry. Not Labour voters, it was Low Skilled Workers. Discuss.
  22. Depends what colour it was. If it was ginger, then yes, even god hates gingers. It's why he made them petrified of sun light.
  23. With Julie Goodyear as your best friend perhaps coming out gay and bumming other mens arsholes wasn't the worst thing he could have done with his cock.
  24. Gypps. You need to specify which doors you actually mean because how the fuck are you going to get in and out of the khazi to join the mile high club?
  25. The stupid cunts probably stayed in their cabin but with it being so hot, they switched their air conditioning on full little realising that's it interconnected with the entire ship. With any luck the COVID-19 or Legionnaires Disease will finish their holiday promptly. Burial at sea anyone?
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