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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. From what I've seen French telly is so shit that they don't even bother repeating it on the main channels let alone any paid for service.
  2. Does Covid-19 effect Type-2 (or self induced, by being a fat inactive cunt - as I like to call it) as much as Type-1 diabetes?
  3. Well here it is, the Top Trump of shit adverts,............ Simply Be!, where a load of obese tuskers prance about in Vango tents as if making out its okay the be a fucking elephant seal and at least you'll have something 'nice' to wear when they bury you after the inevitable heart disease has shortened your life.
  4. Well if the UK has to remove a load of statues and street decoration then I think Belgium should follow suit, Starting with the Menin Gate. When i go on holiday i like to have a good time but going anywhere near this thing puts a right downer on your day. Ypres would be alright then and i might visit more often if it weren't so close to France and Withers.
  5. Even kings like the odd queen, right Billy?
  6. Oh, well in that case, I reckon the geriatric Tango man is saying, "did you get a fucking receipt for that coffee so you can claim it on expenses?"
  7. See if you can find out if the the ex pilot has any allergies to things like peanut oil and if so, rub a light film of peanut butter under the handles of the lid after your mother has finished putting her garden waste in. Hey presto, next time you see him he'll be collapsed at the end of your mums driveway, ready buried under 80 litres of rotting garden waste.
  8. Any chance of a back story, usually made by entering characters on your keyboard to form words and sentences, so we can get some context behind the nomination.
  9. You faux French fucking cunt. I bet you'll happily be pulling Nelsons statues down. There's nothing worse than a sore loser.
  10. You've been here less than 5 minutes and you've got the full measure of Major Cunt already. Are you Russell Grant?
  11. I'm surprised at all the comments on social media about it being a race hate crime when Tyson hits Joshua, but the other way round, and Joshua is just defending himself. What they've failed to remember is that Tyson is the self styled Gypsy king, Gypsy being a race that experiences more oppression than BAME in the UK. Fucking retards that say its black against white have already lost the race card argument.
  12. Dave Umbongo


    I have to change my opinion now having just been subjected to an advert from MSF on HGTV (one of the Freeview channels) asking for people to send the the petty sum of £53!!!! to fight malaria in some Bongo Bongo land. 53 fucking quid!! What the fuck! Do they think everyone's got £53 languishing around which they would rather send to some country whose inept governance have fucked things up for the people that live there. Fuck right fucking off you cunts. £53 is probably the price of an inflatable dinghy which the cunts will then use to ship a load of swarthys over to the UK. Cunts.
  13. What's all this QAnon stuff I keep hearing about, some of you conspiracy theorists on here must be members. Judy?
  14. Anyone got any strong views on the racist that sits in Buck House who turns 99 today?? The media historically reports his racism as 'gaffes' which suggest they are some sort of misguided joke that we should all just politely giggle about and forget.
  15. Give the police powers to give all thugs a good kicking, but not kill them obviously. They might get a little bit more respect with an element of fear.
  16. And why is it when Reginald D Hunter uses the N word in his material it's acceptable?? Can you be racist against your own race? , it would appear so looking at the examples protesting in the media, Lily fucking Allen springs to mind for some reason.
  17. It didn't do Jim Davidsons' career any harm when people thought is material was slightly racist. Look at him now.
  18. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    I was looking forward to reading your response on the McCanns, Judy as I anticipated that you would be very much on the fence with your opinions based on your previous responses on the subject. Imagine my disappointment to see it's your usual homophobic rant at our resident Lord BumBandit of Cheshire.
  19. FFS, what next? A Union Jack made up with colours of the rainbow when they're policing the next Pride event. Or will Banksy come up with a design for a Union Jill? The UK is really going downhill. (See what I did there)
  20. Or the racist cunt is just waiting to drop another couple into posts.
  21. You thick fucking cunt. How have you suddenly gone from grammes to kilogrammes? I therefore stand by my earlier opinion.
  22. The cartoon dog shitting on the EU flag stays until we've fully Brexited. Sorry.
  23. Since crisps are clearly sold by weight then I beg to differ with your 75% statement. Since a packet of Wankers crisps are sold at a weight of 32.5g, you are saying that 24.375g of that is air. That is equivalent to 0.02 cubic metres or 18.85 litres. Basically, what I'm saying is, you're one fucking thick cunt. However, not a bad effort for a first post.
  24. Not me. I'm banned from Twitter as my prose was 'to offensive', whatever that fucking means.
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