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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Punkapes castle has a gate but he prefers people to enter via the back passage. Lol. I'll get my coat (& face mask). Fuck off.
  2. Any song that can be sung on Songs of Praise by hypocritical folk who think singing a few bars of 'All Things Bright & Beautiful' will absolve them of their sins and secure their place in heaven. Fuck off, you're going to hell, cunts!
  3. Now you'd quite rightly ask yourself who the fuck is he and what makes him a cunt. Well this fucking lame excuse for a human has posted a picture on the internet of him with his knee on the back of a 2yr old childs neck as a symbol for BLM. Well I don't fucking care what colour you fucking are but you definitely deserve a good shoeing to make you black and blue. Cunt. No coverage on UK media outlets. What a fucking surprise.
  4. I hoped thought you had died.
  5. Why does a Whale need to use a ferry?
  6. What does Elvis make of the current situation? Because he's not really dead either, is he.
  7. Dave Umbongo

    Kanye west

    I have to correct you there. In fact, he IS the fruit and the chocolate (Mtembes' cock) is generally inside him.
  8. Retardness is an illness. You could always try that if your asthma excuse fails. Or, just cut one of your ears off like that cloggy painter.
  9. He's probably too busy wanking himself into a coma looking at mens Willie's in Naked Attraction on the other channel.
  10. I've given you a like for the quip on prostrate cancer. The rest is your usual pile of dog shit.
  11. Gluteus Maximus, named after Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius, father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Actually that does rather sound like he's talking out of his arse.
  12. As she got any suggestions to rename the 'Dick'? Based on her appearance and previous comments I wouldn't be surprised if she suggested a 'Mitty', as in they might not really exist as she has probably never felt one ploughing her ginger clam bucket.
  13. Yes, that's exactly right Punky you deviant. Well, it's more socially acceptable than pummeling your 'partners' arse in the bunker of the 14th, don't you think.
  14. Fucking hell. I've read this story twice now and I'm still not sure if it started life as a boy or girl before transitioning to either a boy or a girl but has now changed their mind and wants to revert to either a boy or a girl. Fuck it. Just kill it. It's the only way to be sure.
  15. Gender fluidity is a made up condition by ugly cunts who can't get a boyfriend / girlfriend.
  16. It's Larry and GEORGE Lamb you utter twat, and it's Bradley and BARNEY Walsh you double utter twat.
  17. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    I rearranged it to avoid the use of a comma, you Joey.
  18. What a fucking stupid fucking cunt for even suggesting that the decision on lockdown in Leicester is purely made as a political gesture rather than the FACT that infection rates of Covid19 are 3x times higher than some other cities. Stupid fucking Labour representing wanker. The biggest disappointment in all this is that Leicester supporting, gurning milk jug, Gary Lineker isn't one of the infected horde.
  19. Can you see the McCanns offering to look after her as they might be after a replacement for one they mislaid somewhere, at least I think I remember reading about something like that somewhere.
  20. With any luck they will agree to giving her the status she had when she left. That was EU status so, by the time the court case is all done and dusted we would have exited the EU and only be able to issue UK status which she didn't originally have. The fucking EU can have the little slag.
  21. They've replaced Colston with Jen Reid, part of the mob that tore it down. So know they* are erecting statues of vandals that cause criminal damage. (* fuck knows who they are as Bristol CC deny knowledge)
  22. Only if he had a pair of socks as well, not on his feet either. Don't flatter the dried spaghetti penis wanker.
  23. After the news feeds of people travelling through airports with masks on this is fucking pointless to 10% of the general public since they haven't got a clue how to fucking wear one properly. Fucking idiots, mainly women to be fair, with masks that are pulled down so their nose isn't covered. Fucking useless mother fucking cunts. And what is this I hear that children under 11 yrs old are exempt?? Well in that case I had better not see any fickle stupid cunt parents taking their super spreader sprogs into the shops unnecessarily.
  24. You need to wear a mask that covers your whole head (specifically airways, or your shit hole, as it is called on here) and is made from heavy duty polythene, preferably with a target on the front and a sign saying 'Kick this really hard' on the back.
  25. I would have pulled the cunt over for driving like a spastic and for his cylinders sparking in an incomprehensible order.
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