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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Duncan Baker MP fully explained his reasons for not voting for FSM and basically he came to the same conclusion that every other tax payer thinks. The parents can't be fucking trusted to spend the vouchers for the full benefit of the children. So there you go, all you fucking shit for brain parents who think you're being clever by spending it on other shit can fucking fuck right off, because your little scam has come back and bit you on the arse. Now fuck off and go out and earn your money instead of sponging off the state you fucking wasters.
  2. I can understand why they don't support this when we already have a world beating benefits system. If you don't fucking believe me ask the 6,000 brownies currently shacked up on the coast of frog land waiting for the next inflatable toy to arrive to transport them over here. The reason children are hungry is because the feckless parents have spent the UC on Sky+ and a fucking iphone 11, and Turkey Dippers aren't exactly filling.
  3. Fucking useless, incompetent fuckwit in charge of 'managing' the UK's world leading test & trace system. This would have turned out better with Group4 or Jarvis Rail Maintenance in charge.
  4. If the UK had been populated by mouthy, liberable, tree hugging snowflakes we certainly would have been. You know the ones that get offended now just because a corpse washes up on the beach.
  5. Who would have guessed that it would be more difficult for an Englishman to get into Wales* than it would be for a bunch of muzzy ragheads to get into Dover. (*not that any self respecting Englishman wants to travel to a sheep shagging shit hole)
  6. Yes, the fucking goon in the Asda advert. What a fucking annoying cunt, if I see him in the Asda car park doing his pockitty tap-tap shit he's getting the front bumper of my car rammed into his stupid fucking head. Muzz Khan for those that are interested.
  7. I didn't call them a nonce as well. I said even though they are a nonce in reference to Mark Drakefords son. So, reported for reporting that I reported someone for actually being a nonce, because that is apparently what they are. Even I'm lost now.
  8. Reported for calling someone a nonce, even though they are a nonce.
  9. Tony the Tiger (face of shit breakfast cereal)
  10. Careful. You know that commenting about fat cunts normally attracts the attention of JudgeTwat.
  11. I don't think Colonel Saunders had this in mind when he was concocting his 'special recipe'.
  12. I'm surprised his wife let him alternate between fucking the chicken and her snatch during the session. Who says romance is dead? sounds like the making of a Mills & Boon / James Herriot amalgamation book.
  13. .....but your cock has been sucked clean?
  14. I think you'll find it's the tabloid press that are the antagonists which made this former tortoise embalmer a sexual predator. Cunts of the highest order.
  15. What do you think of the same sex couple? Have you guessed which one it is yet?, because from what I've seen, apart from physically missing a cock and a pair of bollocks, Nicola Adam's is more masculine than most of the geezers, even that mincing horse on two legs, Kelvin Fletcher.
  16. I can understand them wanting to eliminate people like you and I'm an atheist.
  17. Well at least the frog could have at least a half-arsed attempt at trying to stem the flow of blood with the white flag he was no doubt carrying but, why wasn't he running away? Are we sure he was definitely French. Withers you cunt.
  18. It's a woman so of course you're not interested.
  19. And......more importantly the woman is WHITE. It's a fucking racist descriptive for snowflake white women used by darkies.
  20. Says the man with legs like a wire coat hanger, Mike probably wouldn't even notice you. Hopefully you will suffocate to death on naphthalene or para- dichlorobenzene fumes should you ever find yourself in a wardrobe, fwankly I'm finding your current form intolerable.
  21. I know we have our little spat now and again Ape but even when pissed I know that to drag another posters family into a cunting is poor form. Frank's fucking hit rock bottom now and no amount of mincing around like a poof in a pop video is going to resurrect him from this.
  22. I had the unfortunate pleasure of visiting Speke Airport once. I understand Speke has been renamed after some weedy scouse cunt who liked shagging nips.
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