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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. A lot of people will vote not to get Kamala Harris as president. Let's face it, Joe Biden will only be present in the charred remains on the inside of a crematorium chimney before even 1 year has lapsed.
  2. Getting balls deep into 72 virgins, male virgins. Happy Allahween.
  3. For an inordinate amount of time and deliberation, I thought you had posted Franks latest video.
  4. He was a shit actor really because he only got parts in more demanding films on the back of his appearance as James Bond and not for any discernible acting ability as demonstrated by the fact all the other films were shit, i present The Name of The Rose as evidence.
  5. Is your aversion to wearing masks more to do with the fact that masks are made for a normal size and shape of head and therefore you potato head and slack, lantern jaw makes you look even more ridiculous.
  6. There's no age limit to being a snowflake as you clearly demonstrate.
  7. All very interesting but I don't believe that your boyfriend would let you wank him off before breakfast would he?
  8. I reckon Dianne thinks she's chomping on a Mars bar when she's sucking Corbyns cock immediately after he's been ploughing her shitty fried chicken, rice & peas arsehole.
  9. Fuck off and dying of anything immediately would be fine with me.
  10. Two fuckwits exchanging posts does not make an interesting conversation.
  11. You're not squatting it what remains of Grenfell Tower are you?
  12. I see Bobby Ball has joined the list of Covid collectors now.
  13. Fuck, it's in Kent isn't it. Okay, no one cares if a bunch of Kent's die.
  14. I reckon the people that live in and around Dover should ignore all Government guidance and go and try and catch Covid ASAP. This in my opinion will have a double benefit, 1) the rise in infection will put it into Tier3 and no cunt, not even dirty foreign brown fuckers will be allowed in and 2) no one really gives a fuck if a few Essex boys and girls pop their clogs. What do you think of that for a business plan for Dragons Den? I imagine Peter, Deborah and Sara will be all over it but I'm not sure about Touker Suleyman and Tej Lalvani.
  15. I bet the brown was potted the most, and how many points did he tell you that was worth?
  16. Electric lighting makes me see in the dark. I suppose you're still using candles you backward cunt, when you aren't shoving them up your arse.
  17. You don't strike me as the sort of person to bother about insurance with your attitude to wearing a Covid mask.
  18. I'm surprised she hasn't intertwined free school meals into her BAME argument as well, but then again, she hasn't got to worry about feeding one of her kids
  19. Here he is cruising Hampstead Heath in his gimp suit, probably on his way to the BBC interview for his job.
  20. What the fucks a prostitite? Is it a sexually immature beginner, you fucking sick bastard.
  21. Well it turns out even our darker shaded inhabitants are pissed off about this virus now, mainly because its overshadowed the agenda of the BLM movement and George Flid is a long forgotten dangle berry in the annals of 2020. But wait, we now have Baroness Lawrence (yes, you can get a title if your kid gets murdered) piping up about the exposure of BAME people to Covid because of systemic racism. Fuck off. No-one cares about people victimising themselves under the banner of their race.
  22. ......and counting calories while she does it. Do you know she can eat 5x boxes of Jaffa Cakes and 3x family sized trifles and it's less than a 525 calories once she's added it all up
  23. You've spelt arse* (*head) and bumming* (*kicking) incorrectly, you filthy fucking degenerate.
  24. On the contrary, even fat bastards would rather eat Findus Crispy Pancakes than meat that looks burnt before you've even put it in the oven
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