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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Funnily enough the reason Wales went into full lockdown was because of the native Welsh speakers where just simple words results in a phlegmy soaking for the listener.
  2. Was your 'granny' Rod Hull by any chance?
  3. Great. What's the address where I can cave your stupid fucking skull in?, sorry, i meant collect the sausages?
  4. They look like they just stepped out of a charity shop after a bomb had gone off.
  5. Let's have a Cunts Corner Xmas Quiz. Post some suitable questions below, I'll start. 1) who is the most despised poster on here? (1 point for each correct answer, up to a maximum of 6!)
  6. Don't be disgusting. It's the corners of rooms and large pieces of furniture only to mark your authority in the home. Women, on the other hand, are about as good at driving a car in a straight line as they are at pissing.
  7. It's obvious to me that a thick cockney tart just doesn't want to lose a quiz against their primary school age nieces and nephews and would rather challenge them to Hungry Hippos or Twister instead, where they at least have a slim chance of not coming last.
  8. John Penrose, the Conservative MP for Weston-Super-Mare is up the arse because his constituency is in Tier 3. I can only surmise that if the world leading Test n' Trace system was working you wouldn't be in Tier 3. Have a guess who this thick cunt is married to, that's right, that other useless fucking slag Baroness Dildo, leader of the Test n' Trace. I bet discussions at the dinner table are interesting, Him - 'fuck it, we're in Tier 3 to get a handle on this virus, what have you been up to today?' Her - 'Nothing. Again.'
  9. They've all been eaten by our yellow skinned, slitty eyed providers of our Christmas tat.
  10. Another fucking Google propaganda notification celebrating London's first pre-burnt, sorry, black fire-fighter. Frank Bailey. (he's even got a gay name) What a fucking load of pandering, cunting bollocks. Lets not forget that he actually fucking wasn't a fire-fighter because at the time we had fireMEN as we hadn't embarked on this PC route of allowing women into the fire service to make tea and do their make up using the vanity mirror in the fire engine when attending a shout. Fuck off.
  11. So why aren't the brown cunts seeking refugee status fucking off to Ethiopia instead of rocking up at our cliffs?
  12. Can you imagine the carnage if the cunt is cremated. The congregation will be as high as kites.
  13. If Dildo Hard-on didn't offer enough we now have the International Development Minister, Baroness Sugg, throwing a fucking tantrum because Rishi has decided to cut foreign aid. Well fuck off you fucking clueless slag. Forgive the general public for wanting to spend their taxes getting our own country out of the shit before giving any cash to some under developed shit pit I've never even heard of. Oh, and if it means you're out of a job, so fucking what.
  14. I hope he is awarded a knighthood but on the assumption that the queen is equally fucked off with this mouthy little fuck weasle and, rather than tapping a sabre on his shoulder she cuts the little cunts jugular on both sides of his turd coloured head.
  15. Dianne Abbott or Alison Hammond maybe, she's as big as a house.
  16. Reading what he actually did to earn his place on death row, I'm fucking pleased he is dead. My only disappointment is that it didn't happen sooner and it would have been lovely if it was considerably more painful than I anticipate it would have been.
  17. The reporting only highlights the disrespect for the law in a civilised society that the black cunts have. Good riddance to bad trash.
  18. The cost saving is not having to equip every outlet with a freezer capable of storing the shittier (non British) vaccines at minus 170 degrees, you thick cunt. The Great British vaccine is stored in a normal fridge.
  19. Oh yes. What dust is that then if not asbestos??? Or is this more boring railway related bullshit.
  20. I'm actually an asbestos specialist and since the old gas back boiler was removed 6 years ago I can safely say there is no asbestos in my property. You, on the other hand should be more worried about all of the asbestos dust that you have inhaled from the brake linings of locomotives when you've been perched on the end of a platform with your anorak and notebook furiously scribbling down numbers from rolling stock. You boring cunt.
  21. This happens so frequently nowadays that it comes across as a rite of passage (like dying really) when they expect a load of other random cunts to help pay for the nosh and booze at the funeral through 'JustGiving' or other platform. It's not as though it's an unexpected event but, spoiler alert, everyone is going to die. Fucking take some responsibilty and pay for your own fucking funeral, or if you really can't afford it, black them up and throw them in the sea off of Kent.
  22. Stay out of the red and in the brown. Unless you want a little sprog cunt to ruin your life.
  23. I get worried when you're all nice to fellow posters, have you turned Punkers?
  24. You don't mind if I refer to you collectively as BAME, do you?
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