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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Fuck off. Haven't you got fishing rights to steal?
  2. I would spend it on a fucking massive sting-ray breeding programme to hopefully kill off more of the Victorian criminal cunts. Fair dinkum.
  3. What a clueless cunt. You never button up the bottom of a double breasted jacket. And it looks as if he's complemented this car crash with a pair of PU shoes from Shoe Zone rather than a pair of Loakes.
  4. Ape and Goober sitting in a tree, K, I, S, S, I, N, G. Get a fucking room ffs you two.
  5. Goober, the admins over at Mumsnet want to know if you'll be renewing your membership shortly.
  6. I quite enjoyed Frankie's contributions on Mock the Week until it was censored. Things You Wouldnt Say at a Dinner Party. Frankie: "If we're all here, who's looking after Madeleine?" (Calling Frank-en-nonsense to the main board @Frank)
  7. From a performance at the golden globes over 4 years ago??!! I know Scotlands a bit fucking backward but surely this Boyle cunt has seen this before now. I personally think if you're a hulking Olympian of a man that wants to be all La, Di, Dah and effeminate then you're going to have to put up with a certain level of piss taking.
  8. No he doesn't need to. He walks to the coffee shop 6 miles away and by the time he brings it back balanced on his bonce it's already cold.
  9. Just read this on the SkyNews website. Biggest CHINK?? is he taking the piss? "NHS boss Sir Simon Stevens has told Sky News the country is in the "back in the eye of the storm", as the number of patients being treated for COVID-19 in England's hospitals overtaking the peak back in April. He praised medical staff, but highlighted that many people would currently be feeling "anxious, frustrated and tired". Looking forward to the large scale roll out of the vaccine, he called it the "biggest chink of hope for the year ahead"."
  10. The £1.50 will pay for half a coffee that the chief exec of the charity has claimed for on expenses.
  11. They call you karate when you're having a wank because you might as well have an empty hand, you nano-penised cunt.
  12. Get yourself one of those Toilet Duck Fresh Disc things. Deposit one of the fresh discs in your crevase as soon as you wake up and leave it there. At the end of the day your brown eye will either be super bright or bleeding profusely. If it's bleeding profusely PM Punkape, he has experience and he may even let you have some glue like substance to make it better.
  13. Unless Faberge decide to expand the range and start producing moisturisers, face scrubs and other gay shit.
  14. I don't see anything special about this programme at the moment when we've already got masked checkout operators, masked postmen, masked bus drivers, masked news reporters.
  15. Let's put it this way, I don't live in Wales but I do work for an RSL so I directly see what the fucked up Maslows Hierarchy of Needs has become for claimants of UC and other state handouts. An i-phone, 50" television with obligatory Sky+ subscription, a deep fat fryer, lots of tattoos and most importantly....,the belief that somebody else should pay for the way they want to live.
  16. I know what you mean by "Hi-Viz" compliance when you see highways contractors walking in and out of moving traffic as if their hi-viz clothing is a fucking invincibility suit. People with masks are exactly the same when they think they don't have to social distance when wearing a pathetic 2-ply paper face covering. Cunts.
  17. No. In fact I've not seen any poverty in the UK when people are booking their collection slots at the FoodBank using a fucking i-phone.
  18. You're not thinking of pre pubescent girls in Wales that just flip them over to re-use the other side of a disposable one are you?
  19. I see this post is as popular as the programme in question.
  20. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/mums-zero-waste-company-takes-off-in-lockdown-6831768 I'm all for cutting down on waste but what the fuck is next?, reusable bog roll. If your white shirts and socks come out of the washing machine pink it might be because it's been on a Non-Fast Coloured wash with a used menstrual pad.
  21. I currently give £3 / month to Cats Protection because I love pussies and I needed another direct debit out of my current account to qualify for the £100 switch bonus. (Mental note to self to cancel the DD after 12 months and I'm still £64 up)
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