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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You forgot the fact they take in a round of golf on their way back home.
  2. Fuck why not go the whole hog and call it beastmilk so animals aren't excluded either. What a load of fuck wank and just imagine a pen pusher like dickless coming up with this policy and getting well paid for it.
  3. I have to admit that I only ever imagined seeing the words 'Harold' and 'satisfying' in the same sentence when somebody would be describing their presence at his funeral.
  4. Fuck it. They all look the same to me.
  5. The king of pop had the right idea, even he knew the advantages of being white. It's a good job he didn't stay alive long enough to re-record some of his tunes. 🎵Ivory and ivory, 🎵 live together in perfect harmony 🎵 Just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  6. I must admit that this attention seeking fruitcake, Harold character is portraying himself like the aborted foetus from David Ickes and Katie Prices alien sex ritual.
  7. I agree, it's total bollox that they can't find something to eat in their own country that they have to import meat. Haven't they tried stir fried panda yet?
  8. The only way this could get any worse would be if Daewoo started making vans so the cheap Chinese crap was delivered in equally cheap crap Chinese vehicles.
  9. The thick cunts don't even have the demanding task (for them) of conversing with society as they only seem to be required to take a photo of the delivery parcel as it roughly lands on your door step from where they've thrown it from.
  10. If it's any consolation Harold if I was presented with you, Gemma Collins and Alison Hammond and i had a gun with three bullets i would still shoot you three times.
  11. I could handle her....., with a fucking elephant gun, and I bet the Japs would have a go too with their previous hunting experience.
  12. When lockdown is over I'm going to visit Caister-on-sea and substitute the rabbit lures on the greyhound track with your spineless frame.
  13. I dunno, perhaps it fucking won't as it doesn't like alcohol.
  14. Its against her nature for the plastic air-head that is Katie Price not to dismiss an opportunity to appear in the press, even if it means exposing her spud like sprog to ridicule however, I see in the news that Harvee Pryce has even had the vaccine. What do you think of that Eric? when the likes of you and me have expired through Covid because we haven't received a vaccine young Harveeey can repopulate the human race with his genes.
  15. Bullshit! Even their computers have got a virus looking at all that gobbledygook displayed.
  16. Letting him post on here is better than having to scrape encrusted shit off Harolds bedroom walls and redecorating every couple of weeks.
  17. Anyone want a broken TV? It's not broken yet but it will be Thursday night if I'm flicking through channels and Piers Morgan Life Stories pops up. Gemma Collins is on this week. Two of the biggest cunts ever on screen at the same time. The only way I would even consider watching this pile of fucking elephants dung they call entertainment would be if it was re-titled, "End of Life Stories"
  18. How the fuck do I know. Do I honestly sound like some Scottish aspergers cunt that's got too much time on their hands. 'Baws should be able to locate it.
  19. Don't forget wearing stretch Jeans over twiglet legs while mincing around the kitchen with a creme bin.
  20. Does it pick up the detail on Mings rotten corpse. I've heard the green colour saturation isn't displayed accurately with this lense which may be an issue depending on how mouldy she is.
  21. Cobblers you fucking twat. Every Englishman knows Northampton has an unrivalled pedigree for producing quality footwear going back over 900 years.
  22. Neil, you repetitive cunt.
  23. I see quite a few driverless cars already, just some woman sitting in the drivers seat with their hands on the wheel as if they know what they're doing.
  24. Your girlfriends mate? Yes, of course it was. I bet your girlfriends got a smartwatch and suffers RSI of the wrist from all the 10 mile walking she's doing with other men.
  25. What will they think of next? Ecstasy tablets? And call them Smarties.
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