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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I really don't think anyone is interested to see the colour of your cock.
  2. Roots. Oh, the good old days when you could watch a decent documentary on TV in the late 70's.
  3. Wouldn't it be ironic if the South African strain was imported by some fucking swarthy asylum seeker in a dinghy. I bet these cunts ain't paying 1700 good old British pounds to stay in a hotel for 10 days when they wash up on our shores like excrement infused flotsam.
  4. I bet it's not the only 'aids' he offers them, the filthy french frog.
  5. Cunt with facial features that look like Matt Groening attempted to draw a downs afflicted character for The Simpsons while pissed out of his brain.
  6. Funny but I picture her as Mrs Trunchballs uglier sister but with ginger hair.
  7. Fuck that bollox. What are your thoughts on asylum seekers staying in hotels with free food now going on fucking hunger strike because of the quality of the food that's given to them, one of them even said it was making them suicidal. Now let's get that in perspective shall we, they've travelled fuck knows how far from a shit-hole country where their life is in danger and the thing that really gets to them is getting turkey dinosaurs and value beans served to them while staying in their 4* hotel in GREAT Britain. Fuck off.
  8. If it's not a podcast of your last breaths I'm not fucking interested.
  9. I've just spent the last 6 hours trying to push treacle up a very steep hill and thought conversing with Harold would be easier. I admit, I was wrong.
  10. Stick to the discussion, retard or have I rattled your absence of any 'gorm' brain.
  11. The population of the UK is 68.2million and the UKGov want to hit 15million vaccinated by Monday which is effectively everyone over 70 yrs old. That means we have nearly a quarter of adults that are retired and no longer work, add that to the cunts on benefits who don't want to work and the cunts who can't work because of some mental disablement like Harveee and Harold and you realise this cull was actually required and perhaps we should be thanking the Chinks for reducing the social welfare burden on normal people who work hard and pay taxes. Discuss.
  12. I'd quite like to see Kamala Harris explain her policies to Gina in the octagon.
  13. Is this to do with monkeys sledging in the 'boro and Newky??
  14. It doesn't really matter if they're twins.
  15. It's not possible to sit anything other than a few feet from the GC, she's that fucking fat.
  16. In case you've forgotten this talentless, mouthy waste of fucking space is on TV tonight being interviewed by that talentless, mouthy waste of fucking space, Piers Morgan.
  17. Who the fuck do you think you are resurrecting noms from 2 years ago?
  18. Good one. What better retort than to demonstrate that you're such a Deacon that you throw darts at your own phone.
  19. It's got to have some way of identifying who owns the phone for security, hasn't it.
  20. Learn to spell then you fucking retard. Failing that, do something properly for once and kill yourself.
  21. If you're going to use the word favourite in your prose make sure you spell it the proper English way you fucking faggoty, yank cunt.
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