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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. All I can say is, your dummy grenade really packed a bit of a punch in the end.
  2. Dave Umbongo

    Piers morgan

    The ginge won't be long for this world. That complexion in the Florida sunshine and I'll give it 2 years before the first bout of skin cancer takes hold.
  3. Only if you're planning an upcoming trip to Thailand or going out on the pull with Applescruff.
  4. Dave Umbongo

    Piers morgan

    A ginger and a brown, but mainly the brown.
  5. Dave Umbongo

    Piers morgan

    Piers' mouth has been working before his brain again. As much as I hate the cunt he is still entitled to an opinion but the mentalist's are a bit pissed off with his latest offering - I do hope they don't get too upset as I don't want my journey to work tomorrow getting disrupted by some selfish cunt hanging from a bridge.
  6. What was he, God of the Eunuchs?
  7. I don't know what you were expecting asking for advice on here, actual advice?
  8. Well they have a point, they aren't just men in wigs, don't they also have to tuck their cock and balls between their legs to be more convincing like that fucking freak in The Crying Game.
  9. I regularly knock out a brown number two. Just saying.
  10. I can't help thinking how much better you chaps are playing since you haven't had any Gareth Thomas types in the team. I wonder why.
  11. Did it have what appeared to be ginger hair around the entrance as I imagine it to be very similar to something equally capacious, cold and controlled by Admin., well, one of them anyhow.
  12. Just how fucking big is this cooler if you've been in it, you fat cunt?
  13. I hope beach volleyball generates more revenue for the women's game then the blokes.
  14. Unless you're Punkape where every day is 'fucking' men's day.
  15. I thought you were still wearing tarpaulins because you couldn't get shirts to cover your obese bulk. Won't the iron melt the plastic?
  16. I don't think I'll bother watching the Oprah interview, I'll watch the un-edited version on The Crown instead.
  17. I believe Rolf taught Len Fairclough, aka Peter Adamson, how to teach swimming. Dirty fucking cunt, two-timing Rita like that.
  18. Your minds eye is fucking working overtime here Dickless and you're seeing things that aren't there. The video is apparently two consenting 15 year olds. Is that paedophilia? You tell me Snowy. You then seem to think my comment about waiting another year, which would then make it the age of sexual consent, was a serious post, like every other factual thing I post on here. Now explain yourself before you end up wetting the bed again.
  19. Tape? Fucking tape?? Those Aussie cunts are backward but I imagine even they have progressed to digital recording methods using disc or solid state.
  20. You're really making yourself look like a complete fucking tool now with no substance whatsoever to your arguement other than your 'feelings'. Why don't you go and hug a tree if it makes you 'feel' better.
  21. In order to have CCTV on your land you need to display visible notices indicating that CCTV images are being recorded. Without this you could be guilty of contravening the GDPR if images are recorded, kept or distributed without the individuals knowledge or consent.
  22. You have to be careful not to offend some woke fucking snowflake whilst making a joke nowadays, even on a site called CuntsCorner, it would seem. You've lost all credibility on here now so why don't you follow Jewdy and Frank and fuck off to another website that are more aligned to your views, like Socialist Worker.
  23. The 'Chinese Caviar' films are shit.
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