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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I see the similarity here Frank, Sylvester also had ridiculously under developed legs compared to his arms and torso. He thought it was a waste of time training these as he didn't consider legs to be a show off muscle group like arms or shoulders so, other than being an effeminate homo, what's your excuse.
  2. I'm sure there would have been a few other black people on the train that had also purchased tickets so I would have thought an accusation of racism a bit extreme. What about the sexism card, did the guard stop her because she was a woman? and he's a misogynist pig? No, that wouldn't work either, other women on the train. How many other Labour Party Activists on the train? None! I think I've cracked it.
  3. If they were French goose eggs they would already be loaded with sperm wouldn't they 'Scrotes?
  4. I hope it doesn't become an accepted 'thing' as my neighbours are fucking hideous.
  5. Just caught an interview on GMTV titled "three dads and their babies". From what I understood of the vaguest of descriptions is this is all about about swinging and sharing parental responsibilities which actually sounds like some communities in the remote parts of North Norfolk. I could have padded it out a bit but this is beyond my level of knowledge and I'm now on my daily commute across the hallway.
  6. I actually thought I might have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as I was about mid-way through reading this. Nice work!
  7. This would be good as long as Harold isn't slightly tanned otherwise our border control would rescue him and give him free board and lodgings in an Ibis somewhere.
  8. Don't get them confused with the black family that makes jam.
  9. Have you got a maximum character limit on your responses or something? If not, try and engage a few more of your brain cells and construct some form of intelligent and witty response which demonstrates that you might one day develop into a mediocre contributor like Ape, for example. Otherwise try and get yourself coolered again because the content quality of the site has skyrocketed during the last week. Cunt.
  10. If we're a double act, I'm the straight man. Everyone knows Scrotes is a bender.
  11. He was fucking shit in Time Team.
  12. He's French. His knowledge extends to how to cook and eat them.
  13. I quite like you too Dickless. Tell me, does your hovel have disabled access?
  14. The uric acid does play havoc with the cheap chinky steelwork.
  15. Good morning Dickless. I've got my Cuntman (Covid) jab today - I call it that out of respect for Eric's views on this pandemic - do you have any advice? like which buttock should I offer and will clean pants be necessary?
  16. How old do you have to be to watch scat videos then?
  17. I can understand the lyrics 🎵stay on the scene🎵, but what about, 🎵like a sex machine🎵
  18. Fucking, fuck, fuck, fuckitty fuck. I thought vertical stripes were supposed to be slimming. I personally don't even reckon Neil would...........either of them.
  19. Dave Umbongo


    And the 'prise' for most incorrect spelling goes to Dyslexic. Oh, the irony.
  20. Dave Umbongo


    The reaction of the Met Police is all because a woman, Cressida Dick, is in charge. Kick her out and put a bloke like Gene Hunt in charge and shit like this won't happen.
  21. Dave Umbongo


    No, it's not. You fucking spastic. You make Harvee Pryce look intelligent.
  22. Dave Umbongo


    The police didn't appear to act as vigorously during the BLM protests. Anyone care to offer explanations?
  23. Fucking Chinks. Fuck the lot of the slitty eyed savages. Hopefully Trump will nuke the cunts in 2024.
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