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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 1 hour ago, Decimus said:

    Have you ever stopped to consider that you are the cause? And that the response may have something to do with your incessant posting of vacuous, complete and utter fucking shite for well over a decade now?

    Like all professional victims, you're so unaware of your own faults that you can't possibly imagine a world in which anyone could ever despise you.

    Let me make it abundantly clear.

    Other than a professional shit-stirrer and a desperate outcast who has no one else, nobody wants you posting on here. So why don't you just fuck off and spend your remaining few years talking to the fucking seagulls, or whatever it is you do in Torquay when you're not spending 16 hours a day on here.

    Rest assured I am well aware of my faults .. it is time you and a few penis fixed cumts became aware of yourselves (perhaps self aware of normal civilised behaviour), I did for a short period work for a local council and whilst it was infested with nepotism even the lucky ones were still expected to behave to high standards in both there personal and private lives.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Miles said:
    1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Believe me, if I ever engage in a vendetta (rule 7) involving you, you will know all about it. Acknowledging that you are currently boring me and everyone else shitless is not a vendetta.



    True that you have not made any sexual references regarding me me but others have and you have never had a go at them for it. You are moaning at the response rather than the cause.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Believe me, if I ever engage in a vendetta (rule 7) involving you, you will know all about it. Acknowledging that you are currently boring me and everyone else shitless is not a vendetta.

    Furthermore, unlike just about every other cunt on here, I have never made sexual references about you or your family (rule 12). 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    When's @Admin going to step in? Perhaps they're not listening.

    As I said the other day, more than enough has already been said to action something. Python Pants was warned some years ago about flooding the site with pointless bollocks – and nothing's changed. In fact it's gotten worse. Needless snipes every fucking day. Most noms Pen posts are precisely what you'd expect from a teenager on an animal abuse website which targets dogs as being evil. It's incredible really: huge headline font copied & pasted from a mainstream media page we've probably already seen. Absolutely pathetic. There's no thought, no creativity, no discourse. Isn't this supposed to be a website for adults to discuss while letting off a bit of steam?

    Do something or you're going to lose your best punters. I'd say the quietness of some is already indicative of this. You'll be left scraping the barrel for want of better members.

    A question Wolfie .. I know a dog lover who has worked fot the Dogs Trust .. he is a keen supporter of Fox Hunting .. What are you thoughts about Fox Hunting?

  5. 10 hours ago, southerncunt said:

    You’re lucky. All of yours are on here.

    Look at them all leaping to your defence with the fucking pasting you get from all and sundry.

    Dog hating thundercunt.

    There some good reasons why people can come to dislike or be afraid of dogs .. random attacks by dogs are not unknown and a few of those attacks are fatal. Many owners are naive and lack understanding of their four-legged friend. Some describe themselves as dog lovers but happlliy keep breeds that have known serious medical issues such as breathing problems. There also emotional support dogs that sadly all too often are given to individual who are unable to look after the dog. One of my work collegues (a rather vain and selfish man) was given a small dog for company. Yes he loved that dog and look it for walks and the dog seemed to love him. The end of the story was not good however as "John" (not his real name) committed suicide and was not found for several weeks and the dog starved to death. There was also the sad case of "Ruswarp" a collie and constant Graham Nuttall who campaigned to save the Settle to Carlisle Railway .. sadly Ruswarp was found near death by his dead owner some weeks later after he and is owner had gone walking together in the mid Wales Hills. Many were touched by this act of faith .. I was sad about was what the dog had suffered and the lack of forethought by his owner.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

    You know Pen, there have been times in the past that you have dropped the banality mask and replied to topics that I, and most of the folk on here would recognised as having genuine thought, perhaps even a modicum of intelligence applied to them. 

    This is not one of them, and sadly this is 99 % of your output. 

    Think before you post. Stop flooding the site with irrelevant bullshit.

    You do come across as being rather unhappy with your lot.

  7. 14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    The first two were free lancers.   I can remember when Harris first popped up on the small screen as a slightly nutty hyperactive painter who did this one thing - a bit of art work using a decorating brush.  As he graduallly expanded his repertoire into a bit of song and dance, presenting, comedy  etc I became more and more sceptical about the cunt having any real talent.   Somebody was definitely helping his career along.   I always thought he was a bit iffy after that crude song "Jake the Peg".   Then he found a commercial key in Animal Hospital.  *

    * or was given it. 

    "Sun Arise" in the top ten 60 years ago.

  8. 22 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    The Pope has recently criticised both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump but urging American Catholics to vote anyway.   What do you think about this? 

    He doesn't think .. he simply twitches when an electrical current is applied to his brain stem.

  9. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Maybe we should supply them with dummy planes like in WW2 when we had inflatable tanks and shit so the square heads in the Luftwaffe kept bombing and wondering how the fuck we were replacing them so quick. 

    They could bomb those inflatable boats that keep crossing the channel.

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