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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I am not convinced that you are telling the truth.
  2. Being a mooslim she will now be one of a suicide bombers 72 virgins in paradise.
  3. You do have to admit that she is 'ot.
  4. Bender you are obviously severely traumatised and brain damaged having thought of using the Sun Life app to record your funeral wishes?
  5. It looks like he has put a black label on it.
  6. Miles

    Mental Health

    But are you feeling better now or has your state of mind got worse?
  7. Miles

    Mental Health

    Quite possibly he is already there but keeps slipping his straitjacket.
  8. It is a straight forward question and there is no need for evasiveness .. are you an iron in denial?
  9. Mind the cat .. it goes for the jugular, and if you get past the cat watch out for the scouser who lives at number 73.
  10. That condition is called King Billy.
  11. Yep it was Apey babes I meant.
  12. I tried it but the cucumber had gone very soft.
  13. You seem to be a nice lad at heart so, where does all this vitreol and bad temper come from?
  14. Miles

    Mental Health

    Don't forget King Billy
  15. Have pity on him. Snowy is one of Snow White's Dwarves.
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