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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Be honest you are not exactly the Brighton Belle .. any train that saw you would set back immediately to save getting engulfed in a fatberg.
  2. Train drivers don't check tickets you unemployable druggie.
  3. Come on Judgie Poos .. play by the book.
  4. Hardeep Singh might not be traveling much in the not too distant future.
  5. You are wrong, it was you your own mouth .. dog chasing its own tail sort of thing. What happened to the budgie?
  6. You and Kinglet Billy do have one thing in common in that when you were being battered by the general membership you did both come cringing to me by PM asking for help and advice. I suspect that you (and Billette have rimmed quite a few people.
  7. Oh dear .. I am contemplating having a couple of weeks next year in the Isle of man to try to relive some very early childhood memories from when we briefly lived there. I will visit the fairy bridge where I will be able to say hello to Decco and King Billy. I am just wondering how you should pronounce "Ballaugh" .. "Bal Laff" or "Balla"?
  8. "Billy" you would not be seen alive in it or indeed in any other place. The best you can possibly do do is to skulk in some homeless shelter.
  9. In spite of condemning P & O for breaking the law our elected government has continued to employ this festering and parasitic company to the tune of £230million .. the sooner this shambles of a government out out the better. https://www.itv.com/news/2023-08-10/government-spends-230m-with-p-and-o-and-its-owner-after-condemning-sacking-of-800
  10. Having a sexual fixation with me will not help you. Also do not forget that you are simply a figment of my imagination and that should I choose to forget you, you will cease to exist in an instant.Now get on with doing the pizza deliveries to those idle folk who can't be bothered to prepare their own meals .. have you charged your bicycles battery?
  11. @Decimus Bearing in mind that you who claim to be a council official and who is paid from the public purse shouldn't you just shut the fuck up and behave like an adult. A few people here do need to realise that anything here this is not real life.
  12. I would be tempted to agree with you but he is such a sorry soul that it just would not be the same on here without him.
  13. Due to take off today at 1600 hours for a trip into eternity. One daft 80 years old cunt has waited 18 years for this trip. https://www.itv.com/news/2023-08-09/virgin-galactic-set-to-launch-its-first-space-tourism-flight
  14. He is more of a Vidkun Quisling type I think.
  15. It reminds me of the matter of the Royal Clarence Hotel in Exeter. Gutted by fire in October 2016, insurance to rebuilt was paid out but nothing done to protect fabric from elements pending restoration. Internal fabric of it and adjacent built now such that approval has been given for the building to be destroyed and replica facade to be constructed in front of building that will have a different use .. modern student apartments most likely. In most European countries a near exact replica would have been built within a couple of years saving as much of the building as possible and the owners would not have permitted run away with the insurance pay out.
  16. If you meet him in real life he is 5' 3" and very meek and mild so I am told.
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