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Everything posted by Miles

  1. There is nothing that I can do about it other than to use the comment when you aren't looking.
  2. I wish that I had thought of that comment.
  3. There was some very impressive and brave work done to rescue those who were trapped. At the finish though with the last person being bought to safety a fuckwit in the background could be heard shouting Allahu Akbar over and over again .. why can't these fuckwits (christian ones too) realise that if god was so great he would not have put those poor cunts in grave danger in the first place?
  4. My farming cousins are (or were) mostly hard right tories and mocked the French peasant farmers .. none of my cousins owned what would be classed as large farm. I think the largest farm was about 150 acres (actually similar to the size of farms that many of these French peasant farmers own. I did point out to my cousins that these froggies took no nonsense from anyone and many of them were raging communists, were respected and got a far better deal than did my whinging cousins .. I also pointed out that most of those hoorays Henries and Gemmas who turned up at the regular blood fests (fox hunts) thought that they were uneducated oafs and would not piss on them if they were on fire.
  5. There was a model helicopter hovering by my window the other day .. it had red rotor tips and the smell of polystyrene glue was overwhelming.
  6. I have had read up on the Letby case. Up intil her arrest her parents used to take her to Torquay on holiday every year. One look at her parents suggest that they should have gone to Sidmouth.
  7. I did read a headline somewhere that said that she was "FUN LOVING AND REGULARLY WENT TO CHURCH".
  8. Not impossible .. she is also supposed to have been the result of a "difficult" birth herself .. all kinds of potential reasons, but she did have a choice.
  9. The gravy train is in action with criminal psychologists doing the talking heads on sky etc telling everyone what they already know and doubtless being paid four figure sums to do so.
  10. I am surprised that no further mention has been made of this wretched and evil woman.
  11. Didn't he die of an aids related illness?
  12. Kendo lives in Telford he is 80.. famed for unmasking the count. The personal feud between them was a myth .. he was often seen at the count's garage in Crewe and the the count's home in Weston near Crewe. Kendo (Pete Thornley), originated from down the then A52 in the Potteries.
  13. Are you the ghost of Russell Harty?
  14. Miles

    Mick Lynch RMT

    The standard arrangement for drivers and conductors is a five day week working up to 50 hours with time above 35hours "banked" and extra rests days every 5th week for the full time employees. For those who choose not to volunteer for rest day working it is almost like having an extra 10 weeks holiday a year. True that the weeks you work those long hours (but you usually only work 5 days of 7 during those anyway and thus have two days off each week) can be tedious but those regular whole weeks off if you chose not to volunteer to work rest days more than make up for it.
  15. Miles

    Mick Lynch RMT

    The train drivers union boss is actually Mick Whelan who is or was a member of the Workers Socialist Party anther man with an agenda not related to the day to day interests of his members the union is A.S.L.E.F Like Lynch he deposed moderate leader of his union. Prior to joining the railway he was a bank clerk. Cambs has raised some valid points. These days many railway workers especially in traincrew grades are paid fairly well for jobs that do not require high educational achievements, you simply require reasonable good health and your wits about you.
  16. Miles

    Mick Lynch RMT

    I know a few of these "lefty" cunts .. they are either cunts with a good and secure income or high-flyers who have had a crash landing. Common to all of them is a terror of a centenrist conservative or labour government getting into power. Their main fear at the moment is not the conservatives winning another term but rather that a starmer led labour government would see the real state of the economy and realise that what they can do is very limited regardless and perhaps also see that many the current problems were caused by the fake lefties before they fell flat on their faces. As to Lynch, I can remember when railway workers were really poorly paid .. if those rates of pay still applied most of the striking railway staff would be on half of what they earn now. Many of those railway workers can now afford to do what you do and they have gone on to half time working. In recent years we have had some railway line re-instatements, most have done far better than expected but that all stands to be fucked up by the likes of Lynch and his ilk.
  17. I am not quite that emotional about it but I do think that perhaps we have too much history and far more relics than we can afford. Here in Torbay we have Oldway Mansions, owned by the council and falling apart and boarded up, there is no way that the council could afford to restore it and a little potential to convert it to other uses and it is hidden away. I am sure thought that some American billionaire could afford and and dismantle it brick by brick and rebuild as his/her/its residence back in the US 0f A, the land coud then be sed to build a couple of hundred wimpey houses on for the locals. Throughout the UK there are plenty of these decaying mansions that will never be restored and likely fall victim to mysterious fires .. fall better to dismantle them brick by brick and flog them for rebuilding back in the USA by rich yanks who will appreciate them.
  18. A problem is that a lot of countries are not very good at looking after their own artifacts .. especially those countries whose current religious belief are at variance with the their own history. Some things should be returned if they have a true meaning to those from whom they were taken. Do not forget that in a lot of .. perhaps most cases the items were actually aid for by people who were more than willing to sell them.
  19. I think that there were some reports of something similar at some international student games event in China in May or June 2019 .. if remember correctly it was said that the countries that did not send athletes to this event experienced the covid out breaks later that the countries that did send athletes to the said event. I had the pleasure of having a covid infection in November 2021 and I too would describe it as a very bad flu episode yet I have a friend who tested positive for the virus around the same time and she experienced no symptoms (out of interest she is an various related heart/angina medications.
  20. Will you please cease and desist.
  21. You complete and utter idiot
  22. You have got it to a "T" or is it a "Tee"?
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