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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Fuck Harry Styles Viaduct .. Holmes Chapel is a dump. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c204gz9glrro
  2. But you would wouldn't you and so qould @Jake The Muss?
  3. Have you never been legless when getting off a train?
  4. She could be on a loser with his one .. refusing help from station staff could breach the "what is reasonable" part of the DDA legislation .. depends on how astute LNER's solicitors are.
  5. I have bever had a BBC Radio table but I have had a BBC Computer .. I replaced it with a Tatung Einstein.
  6. I am profoundly deaf on the right hand side .. are you implying that I am only half a cunt?
  7. @Wolfie and @Dyslexic cnut are true experts in "unfunnyness".
  8. I do not like you Winklestein.
  9. I think I know where huw are going with this one.
  10. It looks like Punkers might not get his EPNS lobster pick set back.
  11. What about these white cunts who use surnames like Ryan, Mason etc as CHRISTIAN names .. Jesus!
  12. How long for you Windrush?
  13. Nobody pulls @Frank's strings.
  14. One example he gave of his "autism was that when he looked at a tree he saw a complicated network of connection spreading out from its branches and twigs .. if he was actually seeing what he was describing he would be unable to function .. he simply sounded as if he was describing something that he had read rather something he himself was actually seeing.
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