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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Good Morning @Ape™️ .. what are you up to today?
  2. I bought a Euromillions ticket yesterday and the little toad behind the counter told me that it would be a winner .. this morning I checked the ticket and found that I have won fuck all.
  3. We all get posts removed from time time dear friend. I am myself a little surprised that your outstandingly hilarious response was removed.
  4. Miles


    No, I wud only be in me earlies 60s back then so me mam wud never have let me go in a shop like that. We did have a Murphy valve wireless though.
  5. Miles


    high 8 rather than high fives.
  6. Miles


    Good evening @Ape™️ mate .. are you flying again this weekend? It might be a bit windy.
  7. That would simply end up back in the boss's paypacket
  8. Miles


    Does she still have a septum with a ring in ti?
  9. There is fuck all else on the news.
  10. I think that they were subduing the celts.
  11. In this case it does not matter who owns the media or what stance the media takes .. this is a simple matter of right and wrong along with which side presents the most personal danger to us. One lot will blow up innocent civilians anywhere in the world they other lot tend to keep it within their own borders or in their immediate vicinity. Religion is claimed to be about keeping people on the straight and narrow and about forgiveness, redemption and eternal life .. actually it about control and cohesion and fake promises .. it can also rational acts of despicable evil on the basis of an evil being for the "greater good" or you being able to receive redemption. Perhaps the best option would be for both sides to be wiped off the map but you will still have the random fuckwits blowing innocent people up at random anywhere. TBH I do not not think that there is any easy answer other to isolate ourselves from either side and removes certain of the more recent immigrants from the UK .. I also think that if we cannot do this them we do need to deal with the fundamentalists .. we have preposterous situation of Muslim men wearing western clothes and there wives and female relative with them wearing the veil and islamic dress .. there should be legal requirement that in such circumstances the males should also wear islamic traditional clothes when out and about with their women.
  12. When I moved to this this part of Devon back in 2009 I used to hear lots of these "cockney geezers" bragging away and always trying to be the centre of attention. They seem to have mostly vanished .. I think that the last "cockney" that I knew that had been in the district was King Billy when he had his two weeks at one of the camp sites at Dawlish Warren a couple of years ago EDITED
  13. Miles

    Mental Health

    The south island of New Zealand is a good substitute.
  14. Or that Walter Gabriel wasn't a real bumkin.
  15. They all seen to think that they are comedians and don't understand when you don't laarf.
  16. What about those little chaps from Nepal?
  17. @Snowy summed it up well in is post yesterday .. a far more complex situation with a very complicated history . unless the sky fairy really exists there are going to be no winners.
  18. You have to admit that seeing them fundamentalist Jewish blokes dancing like 9 year old girls at a Christmas party is comedy gold.
  19. Miles


    Top class and you woke @Ape™️ up.
  20. The long term conflict is there regardless .. Islam is about conflict and without it, it dies. The Jews will simply did their heels in regardless of their right to the land of Israel .. few other nations have a right to challenge their claim as their own histories are that of invading and claiming the lands of others and that also includes those who now call themselves Palestinians (most of are descendants of relatively recent incomers who arrived there from the mid 19th century onwards.
  21. Miles

    London celebrates

    The cunts are here already, problem is that these cunts take their shoulder chips with them and some of the blow themselves to oblivion and any innocent cunt who happen to be nearby. Manchester Arena bombing &th July bombing in Landon to name just a few. London and Birmingham were multiracial 40 years ago but most cunts including the woman were westernised .. go there now and its old and young Asian and African men with burka and hijab clad young and old hags following them around .. go to the outside street markets and you might as be a a wet and cold version of old Bengal.
  22. Miles

    London celebrates

    TBH whichever side you take in this conflict it is worrying .. the origins of the cause of what is happening now in complex and not as simple as it seems. I do think that we need to examine the loyalties of some of our more recent immigrants to this country and either re-educate them or perhaps "help" them to return to those lands to which their real loyalties lie. It akin to black history month etc where well meaning but naive people are stirring a hornets nest and placing chips on the shoulders of people whose parents did integrate themselves into our culture. In truth if we look at the history of the indigenous "white" people of this country most of us are descended from people who were enslaved by incomers who would in turn enslave the previous lot of invaders .. Celts, Belgics, Romans, Saxon, Danes, Normans etc.
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