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Everything posted by Miles

  1. @Wolfie I know that you are really clever .. can you explain what the fuck @DonGaargonphalusflavius is on about in his posts?
  2. There is no need for you to worry as you have never had the ability to be funny other than "funny in the head".
  3. The last two cars I had were low milage A reg 1300 Maestros .. both were reliable and cheap to run but struggled a bit up the Devon hills.
  4. Miles

    Biden super hero

    Biden is a sprightly old man .. look how he dances down steps and performs tricks on his bicycle.
  5. 10% of the cost of Billy's pot egg teeth.
  6. Hydrolastic so unlikely perhaps rotten subframe .. that is what mine died of.
  7. By "hair" do you mean single hair or multiple hairs? I would not worry too much about Nazis as most of them will be dead by now.
  8. They have shot another pool XL Bully for mauling its owner .. they should be shooting the fucking owners first.
  9. The rest of it was the gearbox and fan noise.
  10. Didn't the 1100 have the musical whine from the gearbox?
  11. Looking at you avatar I believe that @Ape™️ like sausages with his beans .. only £1.25 a tin for the tesco ones.
  12. A lingering one by being Ape's best mate.
  13. The promise of these religions and their followers is eternal life when all that is really on offer is eternal death.
  14. But dopey cunts will soon be out there trying to justify his actions and seeing him as a "victim".
  15. Many of their preachers tell them to use our "freedoms" against us .. I cannot see that those beliefs are in any way compatible with our or other civilised countries way of life. What they do and incite can only be described as treachery perhaps even treason. We need laws that provide for instant removal for immigrants who commit criminal offences and for people who support or advocate them to be charged with treachery against the state. Let the genuinely law abiding and peaceful ones remain if they are here legally but remove all others back to their point of origin without any right of appeal.
  16. They come in peace, shoot to kill.
  17. Admit it Little Willy .. you are a gay hairdresser from Camden.
  18. Billy is a well hung hang glider (well he would be better if he was hung).
  19. I have basically given up on polyticks .. I am actually somewhere left of Leon Trotsky (who was a jew by the way).
  20. I see that the fiddler is trying to get on to the roof.
  21. Miles


    What's happening @Ape™️?
  22. @Ape™️ where does all this anger come from?
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